Bio-Pen Pictures

owns one of the neatest  and most attractive residences to be found on Lincoln Avenue, in the Willow District. It stands near the eastern terminus of Pine Avenue. Mr. Watson was born in Exeter, New Hampshire, November 5, 1836. He is the son of John and Betsey (Gilman) Watson. The family history, on his father's side, takes one back to the arrival of the founders of the nation.

From the representative of the family who came over in the Mayflower, a long line of descendants, with pardonable pride, trace their genealogy. Daniel W. Watson, when old enough to care for himself, with a spirit of independence characteristic of the family, went to Boston, and became a decorative painter. For fifteen years he followed the business there. In January, 1867, he became a resident of San Francisco. Pursuing the same work, he became later, master of a business of his own. His establishment on Market Street supplied shades, hangings, lambrequins, and all that pertains to decorative furnishing. For several years he conducted this business successfully and profitably. In 1871, deciding on a trip for recreation and pleasure, he returned East, and, embarking at Boston, visited Europe. He was provided with many letters of introduction, among them one to General Schenck, United States Minister at London. He visited the Parliament buildings, the old home and tomb of Shakespeare, and many other points of interest. Spending some time in Ireland and Wales, he then visited France, being in Paris while it was still occupied by the German army. He returned to the United States in November of the same year, bringing with him many mementoes.

Early in 1884 Mr. Watson sold his interest in San Francisco, and on April 22 of that year took possession of his present home. His ten acres of land, then in pasture, are now one of the thrifty young orchards of the Willows, having 1000 trees. He has made prunes the leading fruit.

Mr. Watson and Miss Fanny Ricker, daughter of Elijah Ricker, were married, on the thirtieth of September, 1876. Miss Ricker was born in Exeter, New Hampshire, July 3, 1850, of one of the old New England families. Mr. and Mrs. Watson have two children, Gilman and Gertrude. Mr. Watson's father died, only a few years since, at the old home, at the advanced age of eighty-seven years. His eldest daughter, Elizabeth, and his son James still reside at the homestead. The other members of the family are as follows: Charles, a resident of Maynard, Massachusetts; Joel and George, building contractors of Boston; John, who died on the Fraser River, in the days of placer mining; Sarah Louise, now the wife of Hon. John J. Gosper, of Los Angeles; Mrs. Mary Wilson, of Lowell, Massachusetts; and Mrs. Almira Snow, of San Jose. The remaining member of the family, Dudley, a twin brother of Daniel W., is a resident of this county. A sketch of his life appears elsewhere in this volume. (SEE BELOW)

Mr. Watson is one of the leading members of the fraternity, being a life-member of Boston Commandery, has received the Scottish rite, thirty-second degree, and is a member of the Boston Consistory. Politically, he is identified with the Republican party. Both he and his wife are attendants upon the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 421-422



 Bio - Pen Pictures

has been identified with Santa Clara County since March 17, 1879, the  date of establishing his residence on Lincoln Avenue, between Malone and Pine Avenues, in the Willow District. There he erected one of the best appointed residences to be found in the neighborhood, and planted his five acres to cherries and plums. Until September 9, 1886, it was his home, when, selling for $5,000, he moved to San Jose. January 1884, Mr. Watson bought ten acres of land (a part of a stubble-field) near the head of Plumas Avenue, which he planted soon after with 1,000 peach and prune trees. Upon that property it is his intention to build a good residence and to make it his future home. Mr. Watson dates his birth in Exeter, New Hampshire, November 5, 1836, son of John and Betsey (Gilman) Watson, and twin brother of Daniel W. Watson, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this volume, (SEE ABOVE) and in connection mention is made of the family history.

        Seeking a wider field and less rigorous climate, Mr. Watson came to this State, reaching San Francisco December 9, 1863. From fourteen years of age he worked at the carpenter's trade, though he has had other avocations since coming to this State. January 27, 1865, in San Francisco, Mr. Watson wedded Miss Charlotte Ross, who was born in Groveland, Massachusetts. They have three children: The eldest, Carrie E., is the wife of Wm. B. Irish, of this county; Frank is an attendant at the high school in San Jose; Ross is also a school-boy. Mr. and Mrs. Watson are attendants upon the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Watson is a Republican in politics, progressive and liberal in views upon all subjects. In his manner he is a real gentleman.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 662-663



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight