
Los Gatos

A New Yorker with typical Empire State enterprise who has demonstrated the highest efficiency in one of the widely-patronized industries is Walter A. Graeb, the proprietor of Graeb's Candy Store at 32 West Main Street, one of the real attractions of Los Gatos. He was born in New York City on July 22, 1895, the son of Adolph Graeb who came West to California in 1902. Mr. Graeb was manager of the Stroheimer candy store in San Francisco and then was engaged in the confectionery business in San Jose for five years, when he built the building and established the Graeb candy factory and salesrooms in Los Gatos. In February, 1919, he passed away, mourned by the many who had for years been his appreciative patrons. His devoted wife, who was Miss Ida M. Frank before her marriage, and a native of New York City, continued the business until July, 1921. when our subject took charge of the concern. She also built the Automotive Machine Shop Garage on East Main Street.

Walter A. Graeb had been educated in the schools of Los Gatos and the Montezuma mountain ranch school, finishing his studies with a thorough commercial course, and after that he went to the Oakland Polytechnic Engineers College, where he learned to repair automobiles. He next worked for Carl Rogers in the Gem City Garage, and from there passed to the service of Campbell Collins in the auto supply trade.

In 1917, in the same month that war was declared by the United States, Mr. Graeb enlisted in Company A, 3rd Engineers, U. S. A.. and he was sent to the Philippines until March, 1919, when he was discharged, after having performed his patriotic duty in defense of his native land.

 In April he returned to Los Gatos and for a while joined his mother in the manufacture and sale of candy: and after that he once more undertook work for Mr. Main in automobile repairing and later became his partner, as Main & Graeb until he sold out. In July, 1921, Mrs. Graeb presented the old-established candy business to her son, and he at once left automobile work to follow in the footsteps of his esteemed father. He maintains a first-class soda fountain, makes his own candies and ice-cream, likes his work and is devoted to the best interests of his increasing list of patrons.

In national politics a Progressive Republican, Mr. Graeb belongs to the American Legion, and he is also a member of the Odd Fellows and the Woodmen of the World. He is deeply interested in Santa Clara County and determined to do what he can to contribute toward this section of the Golden State that is rapidly and permanently coming to its own.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1549


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight