Secretary -Mountain View Canning Company

 Bio-Pen Pictures

the active young real-estate broker of Mountain View, was born February 6, 1867, in Jo Daviess County, Illinois, a son of Enoch and Charlotte Clark. His father died when he was seven years old, and he made his home with his mother until he was fifteen, attending the public schools of Warren, Jo Daviess County.  He then went to Aberdeen, Dakota, where he entered a mercantile store as a clerk, remaining about two years. From there he went to New Orleans, where he spent the winter, after which he paid a visit to his old home in Illinois. In February, 1886, he came to California, stopped with his aunt, Mrs. Atwell, who has a ranch near Mountain View, and liking the country so well, with its bright prospects for the future, he decided to make it his home. In September, 1887, he started in the real-estate business, with B. E. Burns, under the firm name of Clark, Burns & Co., which partnership continued until April, 1888, when it was dissolved, and Mr. Clark opened an office by himself, where he has since been doing business. He makes a specialty of real estate, town, and country property. He is a wide-awake, stirring young man, and pushes his business right to the front. If he has any new and desirable property on hand, he believes in making it known to the public. All of the country property in his possession is fine fruit ranches, situated in the warm belt and in the best fruit-growing section of the valley. On account of the demand for small places suitable for homes for parties desiring to avail themselves of the excellent advantages offered by the Stanford University, Mr. Clark has a number of such places, which are rapidly being sought after. He is Secretary of the Mountain View Canning Company, organized in the spring of 1885.

 Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 516


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight