
An industrious, progressive and successful rancher of the fine Italian-American type always so popular, because of past records of prosperity and usefulness, in Santa Clara County, is Victor A Solari, now farming with excellent results on the Dr. Bowen ranch two mils east of San Jose.  he was born in the province of Genoa, on January 12, 1883, and his parents are G B and Bernardine Solari.  His father was a farmer, who operated extensively in Italy, where he owned vast acreage given to the culture of vines and varied fruit; and after Victor had pursued the courses of the elementary schools of Genoa, he helped his father on the home farm. When nineteen years old, however, he set out from Italy across the ocean to the United State; and having eventually reached California, he settled in Santa Clara County; and here, for many years, he worked for wages on fruit ranches. He also worked in the market gardens in the vicinity of San Jose, and there as on the ranches, was able easily to demonstrate his natural ability in these fields. 

For the last five years Mr. Solari has been leasing the Dr. Bowen ranch of twenty acres devoted to fruit, and there he as been raising some of the choicest prunes in the Santa Clara Valley.  He gives his undivided time and attention to his investments, and since he is a good student, seeking to learn from books and to profit by past experience, and inclined to compare notes, he makes progress steadily , thereby contributing something definite toward the advancement of California agriculture, as well as toward the enlargement of his own fortune.  His only brother in California, Joseph Solari, is with him  on the ranch. 

Ten children made up the fine family of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Solari, among them Victor was the youngest, and each has done well in the world.  The eldest is Andrew, then come Anna and Mary, and next Joseph, already referred to and after that Rosa, Lawrence, Louisa, John and Angelo.  Judging by the success of the two brothers in Santa Clara County, Italy, from which romantic country have come so many good American citizens, is to be congratulated on retaining the rest of the family.
from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. 1922. page 1387
transcribed by Cferoben