The Valley of Heart's Delight

Valentine Koch
Columbus Buggy Company Agent
San Jose

Pen Pictures-

Valentine Koch , member of the firm of Kaiser & Koch , carriage and harness manufactures and dealers, Nos.  132-136 West Santa Clara Street, San Jose, born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1850, and there attended school until the age of fourteen years. In 1864 he started alone to America, where he has gradually worked his way up to his present position of social and business  prominence.  He remained three years in New York, where he learned the harness business, and then removed to California, settling in San Jose, in December, 1867, where he has since continued to reside and do business.  For thirteen years he worked for Mr. Stern in the harness business, and then engaged in business with his present associate, in which they have been prosperous. They are now agents for the Columbus Buggy Company.  He was married, in 1879, to Miss Mollie Liedenburg, of San Francisco.  They have two children, Edith and Albert.  His parents were Valentine and Caroline (Klein) Koch, natives of Bavaria, where his father still lives , his mother dying there in 1885.

Mr. Koch has always been a public-spirited man, and active in matters of public interest. He was elected a member of the city council in 1884, and again in 1886; has always supported the Republican party, and believes in a protective tariff.  He is a member of Friendship Lodge, No. 210, F. and A. M., and of Allemania Lodge, No. 178, I.O.O.F.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. transcribed by Carolyn Feroben , page 644