Painting Contractors, San Jose


One of the well-known painting contractors of San Jose and Santa Clara County is Vincent B. Stone, of San Jose. He has been identified in this line of work for many years and is now located at 22 Colfax Street and conducts business under the firm name of Stone & Curry Company. He was born at Topeka, Kan., on July 3, 1886, the son of. Alonzo and Mary (Burton) Stone, the latter dying when Vincent was a child. The father reared him, doing the best he could at all times and giving him every advantage possible. He is now residing on a farm near Pittsburg, Kansas.

Vincent attended the public schools of Cherryvale, Kans., and being ambitious, studied at night school, and later in a technical school, where he took up the work of a draftsman. When he was only twelve he had started to learn the painter's trade, and this calling has engaged his entire time and attention ever since, with the exception of two years he spent as a salesman. In 1907 he located in San Francisco and was employed on many of the buildings erected there until he came to San Jose in 1919. Arriving here on April 15, he organized the firm of Stone & Curry Company and has since been doing the leading contracting business in his lines in this county, and has executed contracts for many of the leading residents of both city and country, and the leading business concerns, among them the Carl Horn Dancing Academy; Dreamland Dancing Pavillion; La Molle House; Swedish Lutheran Church; Lewis Building; Congregational Church; Elks Hall. All of the Associated Oil Company's stations from San Mateo to Gilroy; the Cooperative Cannery; the A. J. Hart, Dr. Dorothea Lee, and V. T. McCurdy residences, and the McCoy and Allen apartment houses.

The marriage of Vincent B. Stone united him with Miss Mildren Egan. a native of California and daughter of William and Lena (Mitchell) Egan. The Mitchells, William and Elizabeth (Gray) Mitchell, were pioneers and the latter, still living, is a native daughter. Her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Gray, is also alive and a resident of San Jose, hale and hearty at the age of eighty-six. Mr. and Mrs. Stone have two children, Florence and Herbert. He is a Mason, active on the coaching committee; an Elk and member of the Chamber of Commerce, and is a Republican and a Methodist. He is always ready to help any movement for building up the city and county, and is a successful man.
From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1587


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight