The Valley of Heart's Delight

Victor Bassignano
First California Cavalry
Merchant of Gilroy, California

Victor Bassignano, dealer in cigars and tobacco in Gilroy, was born in France, September, 1840, his parent being August and Elizabeth Bassignano.  When nine years of age his parents came to American and located at Sonoma, Californian, in 1850, and thence to Napa in 1853.  Upon the breaking ot of the late Civil War he enlisted in Company E, First California Infantry, and was elected Quartermaster Sergeant.  The regiment went to Oregon and was there engaged in fighting Indians, after which they were sent to Arizona, and there he entered the First California Cavalry and was again engaged in fighting  Indians until the close of the war.  He acquired the English language while in the army.  Upon being mustered out he returned to California and located at Napa, where he remained until 1871, when he came to Gilroy and was employed by Henry Miller for about three years on his ranch. He then located in Gilroy and engaged in the grocery business, which he subsequently abandoned and began the manufacture of cigars.  He has now given up the manufacturing department, but still carries on the sale of tobacco and cigars.  He was married, in Gilroy, in 1875, and has one child, Florence.  He is a prominent member of the Knights of Pythias and the present Treasurer of Bloomfield Lodge, No. 10; a member of San Jose Division, No. 8, Uniform Rank, K. of P.; member of A. O. U. W.;  the Financier of Gilroy Lodge, No. 26, and a member of the Guarantee Fund, A.O. U. W.  Was a charter member to all the lodges to which he belongs.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. transcribed by Carolyn Feroben , page 635

NOTE_ found California Civil War Rosters

Second Regiment of Infantry

Company E

Bassignano, Victor


San Francisco Nov. 26, 1862 Dec. 31, 1864 Deserted at Benicia Bar’cks, Cal., July 30, 1863; apprehended Mar. 19, 1864; discharged at Presidio, S.F., May 10, 1866, with company.



SANTA CLARA COUNTY -The Valley of Heart's Delight
July 17, 2005