Bio-Pen Pictures

residing at No. 1261 Lick Avenue, San Jose, is extensively engaged in horticulture. In connection with his residence is a young orchard of eleven acres, comprised of French prunes, apricots, and pears. He also owns an orchard of twenty-two acres near the junction of Malone Avenue and the Almaden road. This orchard yields French prunes, apricots, and peaches, four acres of the property being now in vineyard. Mr. Treanor was born in Ireland, February 5, 1853. He came to the Pacific Coast a poor boy fifteen years of age. His life has been an active one. Commencing as a common laborer, he has passed all the grades of employment open to him, until he reached a position in which he has furnished nearly all grades of employment to others, pertaining to mining, agriculture, viticulture, horticulture, etc. He has labored and owned mining interests in Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Arizona, and Patagonia, South America. He is now the owner of mines in Yavapai County, Arizona, as well as of other property there. His largest interests and best investments have been those in that Territory, and he is still possessed of quite a large amount of property there, also in Texas.

        Mr. Treanor married, at Virginia City, Miss Matilda Wehner. She is the mother of four children, viz., Edith, Viola, Francis, and Ida.

        The subject of this sketch established his home in San Jose in 1884, at that time and at present (1888) intending to make this valley his future home. An enthusiast in horticulture, he dries his own and other fruit, having handled in the season of 1887, 150 tons. Having increased facilities for this branch of his business this season (1888) he will doubtless find it still more profitable than formerly. He has a good market for his fruit, having an agent in the East who disposes of it. Experience in horticulture and a love for it makes him a successful manager of the interests of others, as well as of his own property.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 666-667



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight