Bio- Pen Pictures

of Fremont Township, is a native of Maine, born in Oxford County, December 25, 1834, his parents being Peter H. and Sallie (Kimball) Towne, both natives of Andover, Massachusetts, and of old New England families.

        The subject of this notice was reared at Norway, Oxford County, and on arriving at suitable age engaged in the business of collecting and shipping eggs to California, by water. In 1854 he came to the Pacific Coast, by the Nicaragua route, landing at San Francisco April 16, 1854. He went to Calaveras County, and was afterward engaged in mining at Camp Soco, Carson Creek, San Andreas, West Point, and other places, being fairly successful. On leaving the mines he went to San Francisco, and engaged in the commission business. Six months later he went to San Mateo County, bought land at Woodside, farmed there eight years, then engaged in the manufacture of shingles in the redwood mountains. He was in this business two years, then came to Mayfield, built a stable, and commenced the livery business, being the first liveryman to do business in the town. In 1880 he sold out, and moved upon the farm, of 500 acres, where he now resides, adjoining Mayfield. He is extensively engaged in hay and grain raising, preferring wheat for grain. His land turns out from fifteen to twenty-five sacks per acre. He cuts a large acreage of hay, as it finds a ready market, and he has splendid shipping facilities, being just between Clark's Landing and the Southern Pacific depot, and near both.

        Mr. Towne was married, in Mayfield, March 26, 1867, to Miss Jennie Lee, a native of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, whose father came out to the mines of California in 1849, the family joining him at San Juan, in 1854, the father of Mrs. Towne now living in Yavapai County, Arizona. Her mother died three weeks after coming to San Juan, having contracted the Panama fever on the way. Mr. and Mrs. Towne have two children, named Albert Lee and Frank Kendall.

        Mr. Towne is a Republican, politically, and while in San Mateo County held the office of Supervisor. He was a charter member of the Mountain View Lodge, A. O. U. W., and filled several stations in the local lodge of A. F. and A. M.


Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 643-644