Bio-Pen Pictures

        Among the fine farms in the Berryessa District is that of Mr. Maxey. He is the owner of 123 acres, bounded on the north by the Maxey and Ables road, on the east by the Rice and Randall road. Excepting a small orchard, this land is devoted to the production of hay and grain and stock-raising; of the latter Mr. Maxey has some splendid specimens of Norman horses, of which he is justly proud. Among the horses is his stallion "Prince." He also owns 160 acres of land located about two and one-half miles north, and near the summit, of Mount Hamilton. This land is used for stock purposes. The subject of this sketch is the son of Robert and Ridley Ann (Nixon) Maxey, and dates his birth in Buckingham County, Virginia, October 8, 1828. His parents were natives of Virginia. In 1831 his father moved to Cumberland County, Kentucky, and in 1838 moved to Knox County, Illinois. His father was a farmer, to which occupation Mr. Maxey was reared. His education was limited, and only such as was afforded by the frontier schools.

 He remained on his father's farm until 1852, in which year he started overland with ox teams for California. The Indians were somewhat troublesome that year, but the train proceeded safely, and was only stopped once. They were surrounded by the Indians, who became very demonstrative in their actions. The emigrant force was small, and Mr. Maxey volunteered to ride back on the trail and seek a relief force from other trains. It was a hazardous undertaking, but, mounted upon a fleet horse, he burst through the cordon of the Indians, and, before they had fairly recovered from their surprise at his daring, he was beyond their reach and dashing along the trail. The Indians knew too well what this movement meant, and soon after moved off and left the train to proceed on its way. Mr. Maxey arrived at Stockton in September, and worked at brick-making for about two months. He then came to Santa Clara County, and for nearly three years was engaged in various pursuits. He worked for Dr. Jones, near Evergreen, and helped to build the first house ever erected in that section. He also worked for Edward Doty for nearly two years at farm labor. In the fall of 1855 he rented 250 acres of land from Mrs. White, which he devoted to raising grain.

        In 1856 Mr. Maxey married Miss Theresa J. Ogan, daughter of James S. and Elizabeth B. (Harris) Ogan, residents of Santa Clara County. (Mrs. Ogan's father and mother were natives of Kentucky and Missouri respectively.) Mr. Maxey continued his work upon this and other rented farms until 1858, when he purchased his present residence and farm. He at once began its cultivation and improvement, which he has so successfully accomplished. He purchased his hill farm in 1882. Mr. Maxey is a member of the A. O. U. W. He is well-known throughout the section in which he resides—a man industrious, energetic, and of progressive views. His success in life is due more to these qualities than to any advantages he received from education in early life. Mr. and Mrs. Maxey have three children, viz.: Alice J., Clayborn, and Millie F. In addition they have an adopted son, Frank Maxey, the son of W. H. and Margaret J. (Cockburn) McKillip. Frank Maxey married Ella J . Hollister, (1880) daughter of Page Hollister, of San Jose. They are residing near Hollister, San Benito County.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 539-540


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight