The Valley of Heart's Delight

Liveryman- San Jose

BIO- Pen Pictures


 Among the well-known and popular liverymen of San Jose is the subject of this sketch, a brief resume of whose life is herewith given. Mr. Donnely was born in Oxford Township, Canada West, July 27, 1859. His father, James Donnely, was a native of Ireland, and his mother, Ann (Patterson) Donnely, was born in Canada. He was reared upon his father's farm until the age of thirteen years. At this early age he commenced life upon his own account, working at farm labor in the summer seasons and attending school in the winter months. He continued this occupation until 1879, in which year he came to California and made his home in Santa Clara County. His first work in this county was at farm labor for W. A. Z. Edwards, near San Jose. He remained with Mr. Edwards nearly two years, and then worked for Isaac Dixon in the Mount Hamilton District, until 1883. In the latter year he returned to San Jose, and, in partnership with George Whitney, established himself in the livery business at No. 174 West Santa Clara Street. This business, under the able management of Mr. Donnely and his partner, has been successful and profitable, and their establishment ranks as one of the best appointed and patronized stables in San Jose.

By his first marriage Mr. Donnely had a son, Howard A. by name. In 1885 he married Miss Harriet Farnsworth, for his second wife. She is the daughter of Oliver and Harriet (Hostetter) Farnsworth, who are residents and pioneers of Santa Clara County. One child, Louise, has been born by this marriage; she died, and was buried December 24, 1887. Mr. Donnely is one of the energetic and enterprising business men and respected citizens of San Jose, taking an interest in all that concerns the prosperity and growth of the city. In politics he is a conservative Republican.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S.
Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. page 244-245 Transcribed by Carol Lackey