Fourth Minnesota Infantry

 Bio-Pen Pictures

            Timothy Conant, whose fruit ranch and residence are on the Meridian road, at the intersection of Willow Street, San Jose, has been a resident of California since 1873, and of the Santa Clara Valley since 1874.  In that year he bought forty acres of land, for which he paid $5,000, and has since then purchased twelve and a half acres adjoining, of which his son now owns eight acres.  Of these places there are thirty-three acres in fruit, of which about two-thirds is in bearing, one-third being in prunes, one-third in apricots, and one-third in peaches.  They have just set about five acres in cherries of the Napoleon Bigarreau variety.

            Mr. Conant was born in Medina County, Ohio, in 1828, on his father’s farm, where he lived until 1854 and there received his education in the public schools of the neighborhood.  In 1854 he removed to Minnesota, where he again engaged in farming, to which his life has been almost entirely devoted.  In 1864 he enlisted in the Fourth Minnesota Infantry.  He had previously attempted to enter the service of the Union, but was refused on account of his health; in 1864, however, the Union needed defenders so much that he was accepted.  He was sent to Sherman’s army at Altoona Mountains, taking part in the engagement at Altoona and at the Battle of Bentonville, remaining with Sherman on his March to the Sea.  He took part in the grand review of the troops in Washington in May, 1865, and was mustered out of the service at Louisville, Kentucky, June 15, 1865.  He was married in 1857 at Dayton, Minnesota, to Miss Martha Davis, a native of Augusta, Maine.  There were born to this union two children:  Eva G., December 15, 1859, now the wife of James Moore, residing in Solano County, California; and Ernest W., July 2, 1862, now living with his parents and engaged in fruit-raising.  Mr. Conant’s father is still living in Medina County, Ohio.  When he came to that State, at the age of twenty years, with his father, Ohio was a wilderness.  Mr. Conant is a member of Phil Sheridan Post, No. 7, G. A. R., San Jose.  He has always been an ardent Republican, and in favor of protective tariff.  His son Ernest is a member of the Sons of Veterans, with the rank of Major, and very active in that organization.

 Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 388-389
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight