The Valley of Heart's Delight


Bio-Pen Pictures

THOMAS B. SHORE, of Millikin School District, is the owner of a beautiful and productive tract of 320 acres, on the Saratoga and Alviso Road, about three miles west of Santa Clara. The ranch, which is in a high state of  cultivation, is principally devoted to the growing of hay and grain, for which it is well adapted. The proprietor also pays considerable attention to the raising of stock, both horses and cattle. Comfortable and well-ordered buildings, in  connection with the general appearance of the ranch, denote a prosperous and successful result that must necessarily attend such intellingent and energetic efforts as have been put forth by its owner.

Mr. Shore was born in Washington County, Missouri, in 1834. His father, Thomas P. Shore, was a native of Kentucky, and his mother, Isabella (Hyde) Shore, of North Carolina. His early life was spent in work on his father's farm, and in receiving such learning as the schools of that new county afforded.  In 1850 his father and himself (he being but fifteen years of age) started for California upon the overland trail. The pack train toiled and dragged along its weary journey, unattended by and starling incident, but undergoing the hardships constantly occurring on a trip of that character, until it reached Salt Lake City. Their provisions being exhausted, it was necessary that more should be procured here, and in order to do this the party to which the Shores were attached were forced to seek work from the Mormons, and thus earn the money needed to supply their wants. When leaving Salt Lake City, the company, against the advice of the Mormons, decided to enter California by the southern trail. This portion of their journey was attended by severe hardships and privations. Deep morasses and swamps, rendered almost impassable by rains, rugged mountain trails, swollen streams, and arid deserts devoid of water,---all these obstacles were finally overcome, and the party arrived safely in California, in the year mentioned above. Mr. Shore's previous outdoor life proved of great benefit to him on this expedition, readily enabling him to endure the exposure and hardships.

Soon after their arrival the father and son went to mining in what is now known as Nevada County. Not meeting with satisfactory results, they came into Santa Clara County in the autumn of 1850, and settled in the present Braly School District, about five miles northwest of Santa Clara, thus becoming early pioneers of the county. In 1851 Mr. Shore's father went East by the mail steamers, via the Isthmus route, and returned to California the following year with his family, making his second trip overland. He then settled in Mountain View, in this county, where he resided until his death, which occurred in 1873. The mother died  about three years later, and both parents lie in Mountain View Cemetery. It is worthy of notice that both parents of Mr. Shore's wife are also buried in the cemetery. In 1860 Mr. Shore married Miss Agnes O. Bubb, daughter of William Bubb, of Mountain View. Six children have blessed this union, their name and ages (in 1888) being as follows: Paul Henry, twenty-five years of age; Oscar D., twenty years of age; Edith M., seventeeen years of age; Clara B. and Mary A., aged respectively fourteen and ten years.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S.Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. page 384 Transcribed by Roena Wilson