Proprietor of the St. James Hotel
San Jose

 Bio-Pen Pictures

        There is certainly no better known or more popular man in Santa Clara County than the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. Born in Warren County, New York, September 29, 1832, he was taken by his parents to Saratoga County, in the same State, five years later. In May, 1845, they emigrated to Walworth County, Wisconsin, and two years later went on to Columbia County, in Wisconsin, and there resided until 1853, when Mr. Beach set out for California, by the Nicaragua route, reaching San Francisco in February, 1854. He came to Santa Clara County two months later, and has ever since resided here and been prominently identified with all the best interests of the place. For a time Mr. Beach devoted himself to farming and other agricultural pursuits, and then for two years followed the business of artesian well borer.

        In 1861 he began the ice business, and subsequently started a wood and coal yard on St. John Street, in San Jose, being the first to engage in that business here, and carrying it on until a few years ago. But it is as the proprietor of the popular St. James Hotel that Tyler Beach is best known, this house being at the time of writing considered as leading the business in this county. The St. James has within the year been enlarged to twice its former capacity, and otherwise improved until now it is, both in appearance and in appointments, in every respect a thoroughly first-class house. The rooms are lofty and well ventilated, handsomely furnished and equipped, the halls spacious and airy, softly carpeted and artistically decorated. The household department is perfect, the dining-room being the largest in the city, and the bill of fare always including the best the markets afford, cooked under the direction of a skilled chef.   In this department the St. James has a great advantage. Fresh butter, milk, eggs, vegetables, etc., are brought in daily from Mr. Beach's own ranch in the outskirts of the city, which is run in connection with the hotel. Lovers of fine stock will be much interested in the high-grade animals of which Mr. Beach makes a specialty. The location of the house could not be improved. Adjoining the handsome Court House, and directly opposite the lovely St. James Park, guests can never be disturbed by the noise and bustle of the city, and yet they are within an easy walk of all the public buildings. It is in the magnetic personality of Mr. Beach himself, however, that the greatest attraction exists. Liked by everyone who knows him, both he and his estimable family are honored and loved members of the community, Mr. Beach being large-hearted, generous, and public-spirited to a fault.

        He was married April 3, 1861, to Miss Martha Ann Smith, of Iowa. They have five sons and two daughters.

        Mr. Beach is a Mason of high standing, being a member of San Jose Lodge, No. to, of which he is Senior Warden, a Captain of the Royal Arch Chapter, and a member of the Eastern Star.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 506