Bio-Pen Pictures

        Among the beautiful residence  productive orchard properties in the Hamilton School District is that of Mr. Stone, located on Moorpark Avenue, about three miles southwest of the business center of San Jose. The beautiful residence, with about nine acres of land, is the property of Mrs. Stone; but adjoining this, on the east, is a highly productive orchard of fifteen acres, owned by Mr. Stone. This orchard is under the immediate supervision of Captain Cash, and shows great care and attention on his part in its cultivation. This orchard, with the exception of 150 walnut trees, is devoted to French prunes, the trees being six years old. Mr. Stone, in connection with his mother, Mrs. S. B. Stone, also owns forty-three acres located on the Mountain View and Prospect road, in the Lincoln School District, eight miles southwest of San Jose. This valuable land is devoted to orchard and vineyard purposes, fifteen acres being planted with French prunes; the balance—with the exception of that portion occupied by a family orchard and residence—is in vines, producing wine-grapes of the most valuable varieties. A beautiful residence, combining all the comforts and conveniences of modern houses, and commodious and well-ordered outbuildings, is upon this place.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 582


 Bio-Pen Pictures

was born in St. Edwards County, Canada East, in 1837. His  parents, Patrick G. and Bridget (Madigan) Sullivan (whose history appears in this volume), were natives of Ireland, who emigrated to Canada, and afterward, in 1851, came overland to California, and located in Santa Clara County in 1852. His father was extensively engaged in farming, stock‑raising, and dairy pursuits, to which occupations Mr. Sullivan was reared, receiving such schooling as the public schools afforded. He worked upon his father's farm until 1873. In October of this year he married Miss Bridget Commons, a sister of William Commons, a resident of San Jose. In the same year he established himself in the grocery business in San Jose, in partnership with J. Carmichael, under the firm name of Carmichael & Sullivan, and afterward under the name of Able, Carmichael & Sullivan. This business was successfully conducted until 1876. He then established a grocery store in East San Jose, and continued in that business until 1879. In this latter year he went into the employ of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company as a foreman upon construction work,—a portion of the time being employed in Arizona. He was engaged with this company until 1881. He then entered the employ of the Santa Clara Valley Mill and Lumber Company, where he was engaged until August, 1886. In this year he established a grocery store at the corner of Santa Clara and San Pedro Streets, San Jose, in partnership with his brother-in-law, William Commons, under the firm name of Commons & Co., and has since been engaged in that business. Mr. Sullivan is the owner of the residence on the corner of Santa Clara and McLaughlin Avenues, East San Jose. He has for many years been identified with the business interests of Santa Clara County, and has always been a public-spirited and progressive citizen, greatly interested in all enterprises that tended to promote the growth and welfare of the community in which he resides. Politically he is a liberal Democrat, and, though never aspiring to office, has always taken a deep interest in the best elements of his party. Himself and family are consistent members of the Catholic Church.

        Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan are the parents of six children, namely: Charles J., William R., Frank T., Ernest, Mary, and Silvia G.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 582-583



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight