Bio-Pen Pictures

is a familiar name in the business history of San Jose. As far back as 1854 this name has represented the pioneer stove store, as well as the largest stove and hollow-ware house in this valley, and now owned and conducted by his three sons, under the firm title of John Stock's Sons.

        In 1852 Frank Stock settled in San Jose and started a small stove and tin store, the first of its class in the place. Two years later his brother John came to San Jose from Chicago, where he had lived for several years and worked at his trade, that of tin­smith, enticed to the Golden State by his brother's flattering representations of its superior attractions. He first went to New York and bought a stock of goods and from there sailed via the Isthmus of Panama to join his brother in business. Their store was situated on the corner of Santa Clara and Market Streets. A short time after Frank Stock bought the lot on First Street, where Davis' hardware and Fisher's drug store now are, and erected the first brick building on First Street, moving their goods into it. In 1861 John Stock bought his brother's interest, and from that time till he retired carried on the business in his name. Meanwhile he bought the lot and built the front part of the store the sons now occupy and moved into it in 1869. The building, which was then fifty-five feet in depth, has been enlarged to meet the demands for room until it, including the store and shop, is 208 feet deep, with an L 50x55 feet, and a room on the second floor 55x50 feet. In 1884 John Stock retired, and his sons, John L., Frank, and Peter H. Stock, succeeded him in the business. Since that time the departments of grates and mantels, gas fixtures, and a large assortment of edge-tpols have been added, and a general enlargement of the business has taken place. Their stock of gas fixtures is not surpassed in the State. The firm does a large business in contract galvanized sheet-iron and tin work and gas-fitting, at which they employ an average pf fifteen to twenty men. Among their recent contracts are the Hotel Vendome, the new City Hall, the new insane asylum at Agnew, and others. In this department of their business this firm far excels any other in Santa Clara County.

The two elder brothers were born in Chicago, the youngest in San Jose. Frank, the active manager, was six months old when his parents settled in San Jose. After attending school at Santa Clara College two years he came into the store at fifteen as book­keeper, and since he was sixteen years of age he has done all the buying for the house. Each member of the firm served an apprenticeship in the shop. The eldest brother, after working four years in his father's shop, spent two years in San Francisco to perfect himself in his trade. He has the supervision of the shop hands. The youngest brother is salesman in the store. The business is entirely owned and controlled by the brothers, who are all married and settled in San Jose. Their father is a German by birth and came to America in 1849.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 512-513