
Prominent among the institutions of learning in Santa Clara County doing so much to help make California one of the most desirable of all states in the Union for home centers and places of residence, is St. Joseph's High School, an outgrowth of St. Joseph's College, a Catholic institution, embracing a grammar school for boys and girls, and a high school for boys. The building was erected in 1906, directly after the great earthquake and fire, and in August of the following year it was opened for instruction with an approximate enrollment of 100 boys. The original faculty consisted of Brother William, who is at present the head of St. Louis College in Honolulu; Brother Adam, who is now the principal of the school, and Brothers James and Thomas. There are 250 pupils enrolled, under the direction of a faculty of eight. Brother Adam is assisted by Brother John, Brother Thomas, Brother Alexander and Brother William, and these scholarly instructors make up the high school  faculty; while Brothers Aloysius, Thomas, Nicholas and Paul have charge of the grammar school. Besides these two departments, the Sisters of Notre Dame conduct the girls' "grammar school department with an enrollment of 400. In addition to imparting sound learning, the greatest precautions are taken, also, to safeguard the morals of those entrusted to the authorities of the institution.

Brother Adam was born and reared in Chicago, a son of Adam and Susan Adam, and first saw the light on December 23, 1867. He came to San Jose at the commencement of the school, and since 1908 has been principal of the boys' department. He has had a wide experience in educational work, part of which was acquired at Chicago, San Antonio, Texas; Washington, D. C.; Louisville, Ky., and at Baltimore. The school offers complete grammar and high school courses, and affords facilities for the study of science, mathematics and business. Even a wireless school is conducted here under the direction of C. D. Herrold. The "get-together" spirit is fostered to a great extent by the faculty. During the past three years, since Reverend Grisez has had supervision of the school, the basement has been excavated, cement floors and partitions put in, the former covered with wooden flooring, iron supports have replaced the old wooden posts for bracing the floor above, and an adequate heating and lighting system installed. During the school season moving pictures are shown every Friday afternoon for the pupils and in the evening the program is repeated for the benefit of the grown-ups, to whom an invitation is always extended, and afterwards a dance is given, with music by the school's orchestra. Socials and business meetings are also held here. A cafeteria has been installed and a daily service is maintained at reasonable prices for the convenience of all pupils who wish to take advantage of it. The service is also in operation during the dances and social gatherings.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1141


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight