The Valley of Heart's Delight

Bio- Pen Pictures

SEYMOUR R. ALLEN is the owner of a fine orchard home on Cypress Avenue, a  short distance from the Stevens Creek road, in the Meridian District, and three and a half miles west of San Jose. Mr. Allen has resided in the immediate neighborhood of his present home since 1872, and has had much to do with the development of its horticultural interests. He has planted about fifty acres with a variety of fruit-bearing trees, of which his home property comprises twelve acres. About one-half of his trees are now (in 1888) five years old, and the remainder three and four years old. His comfortable residence was completed and occupied in the autumn of 1883.

He dates his birth in Madison County, New York, June 29, 1821. He was reared to a farm life in that county, and received his education in the schools of his neighborhood. On the twenty-ninth of June, 1841, he was united in marriage to Miss Samantha Reed, who was also born in Madison County, New York. He engaged in agriculture in his native county until the call was sounded for the nation's patriots to aid in putting down the Rebellion. In response to that call he enlisted, in September, 1861, in Company G, Seventy-sixth New York Volunteers. He served in the Army of the Potomac, and took part in the engagements in which McDowell's corps participated. His service was terminated by sickness, which necessitated an honorable discharge, in March, 1863.

The old farm life was resumed in Madison County, but continued only until the spring of the following year, when he went westward, to Hamilton County, Iowa. There, in Webster City, Mr. Allen made his home for several years, in fact, until 1872, when he came to Santa Clara County. A residence of sixteen years has made known to his fellow-citizens the qualities of integrity and honesty which have won for himself and his family the respect and esteem of all who know them. Mr. Allen has led an active life, and now enjoys the pleasures of a home in the beautiful valley of Santa Clara, surrounded by his children. His four sons, Francis M., Adelbert M., Lester S., and Frank A., all live at home or in the immediate neighborhood. All of the children were born in Madison County, New York. Mr. Allen is an honored member of John A. Dix Post, G. A. R., of San Jose. In politics he was formerly a Democrat, but is now a Republican.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. 
Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. page 477 Transcribed by Roena Wilson

Santa Clara County Family Chronicles

Santa Clara County History- The Valley of Heart's Delight

July 22, 2005