

 Bio-Pen Pictures

whose beautiful orchard home is located on the Doyle road in the Doyle District, has been identified with the county since 1866. He dates his birth in Nova Scotia, in the year of 1835. Upon reaching manhood, failing health necessitated a radical change of climate, and so, in 1858, he left the old home and came by the Isthmus route to California. He reached this State poor in health and purse, and spent the first three years in mining in Sierra County. He then resumed the work which he had abandoned when he left his old home, and opened a photographic gallery at Marysville. To that work Mr. Sanders devoted his entire time (except when ill-health demanded temporary cessation) until, at San Jose, at a comparatively recent date, he finally retired from the business. In pursuing his vocation, he visited many sections of the State.

        On the seventeenth of November, 1862, at San Francisco, Mr. Sanders was united in marriage with Miss Nannie Alline, who was also born in Nova Scotia, but was reared and educated at St. Johns, New Brunswick. Their only child, Allen, died at the age of four years. Two nieces, Ella I. and Jennie M., daughters of a brother of Mr. Sanders, are adopted members of the family, and have been by them carefully educated. They are the daughters of Gilbert and Seraphina Sanders (both deceased), and, from the ages of four and six years respectively, have been reared by Mr. and Mrs. Sanders. The elder is a graduate of the State Normal School, and makes teaching a profession. The younger attended the Normal School until ill-health necessitated the abandonment of student life.

        After retiring from the business of photography, Mr. Sanders established a nursery near Saratoga. In 1881 he bought twenty-five acres (a part of his present homestead), and added ten acres in 1883, and twenty acres during the following year. The elegant residence, surrounded by grounds made lovely with bright flowers, choice plants, and shrubbery, was commenced in May, 1884, and completed and occupied in the following August. This beautiful place is known by the appropriate name, "Layhodie," signifying, in the Indian language, " a little way out."  The trees in the orchard were all raised in Mr. Sanders' nursery, and are from one to six years old. Fifty of the fifty-five acres which comprise the place are devoted to their culture. French and Silver prunes, apricots, egg plums, and cherries are the leading varieties. Mr. Sanders dries his fruit himself, and places it upon the market in perfect condition.

        Mrs. Sanders is a lady of culture, and is as much of an enthusiast in botany as is her husband in horticulture. Her lovely home shows the taste of its presiding genius, and there favored guests are welcomed with true hospitality.

        Both Mr. and Mrs. Sanders are enthusiastic members of the American Horticultural Society.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 450-451


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight