San Jose, 1888

 Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Odd Fellows' Hall Association.—

        This association was organized in December, 1884. The capital stock consists of four thousand and five hundred shares valued at $10 per share. The stock was subscribed for, and the money paid in long before the completion of the building. The building is located on the corner of Santa Clara and Third Streets. There are two large halls in the upper story used for lodge rooms, which are probably as spacious and elegantly fitted up as any lodge rooms in the State. The promoters of this organization deserve a great deal of credit for the enterprise and energy displayed by them in thus adding to San Jose one of its most handsome buildings. The association has paid regular dividends and the stock is now held at a premium.

        The present officers are : C. W. Breyfogle, President ; Henry Phelps, Vice-President ; C. W. Pomeroy, Treasurer; M. H. Hyland, Secretary ; D. J. Porter, C. D. Freitag, J. Jacqulin, Henry Phelps, C. W. Breyfogle, Karl Klein, and Jacob Lenzen, Directors.


San Jose Lodge, No. 34, I. O. O. F.—

        This was the first Lodge of I. 0. 0. F. instituted in Santa Clara County. It was organized at San Jose, December 30, 1854, with the following charter members and first officers of the Lodge: O. P. Watson, T. R. Kibbe, Jas. H. Morgan, John R. Wilson, Wm. Brothers, F. F. Letcher, Jas .M. Merritt, John R. Price, G. B, Crane, M. D. First officers of the Lodge : Past Grands, T. R. Kibbe, George Peck ; O. P. Watson, Noble Grand ; Jas. H. Morgan, Vice-Grand ; John R. Wilson, Recording Secretary; John B. Hewson, Permanent Secretary; Geo. B. Crane, Treasurer.

        The present officers are : M. Pixley, P. G.; Plin Ford, N. G.; H. P. Larautte, V. G.; M. H. Hyland, R. S.; Hugh Young, P. S.; H. Moser, Treasurer ; Thomas Williams, Henry Phelps, and Dr. J. C. Stout, Trustees.


Garden City Lodge, No. 112, 1. O. O. F.,

was instituted March 20, 1868, with the following charter members : R. S. Carter, J. P. Backesto, F. T. Risdon. A. P. Hulse, G. W. Kneedler, C. C. Cook, H. E. Hills, R. Scott, C. W. Pomeroy, D. J. Porter and C. G. Button. The Lodge now has two hundred and fifty members, and has assets amounting to about $12,000. The following are the Noble Grands from organization to date: C. C. Cook, Robert Scott, C. W Pomeroy, A. R. Manly, D. C. Vestal, D. J. Porter, S. A. Barker, H. A. Crawford, J. H. Miller, M. H. Gay, William Grant, J. W. Haskell, J. B. Church, T. J. Cook, J. A. Lotz, H. H. Curtis, H. T. Wells, C. L. W. Sykes, G. H. Blakeslee, W. L. Coombs, W. M. Ginty, H. L. Cutter, C. H. Simonds, L. J. Chipman, Robert Caldwell, C. J. Owen, Homer Prindle, B. G. Allen, C. W. Breyfogle, H. W. Cote, John Manzer, W. A. Parkhurst, J. J. Bradley, George Lendrum, W. H. Hammond, P. F. Gosbey, R. P. Munroe, C. A. Hubback, J. P. Jarman, H. A. Saxe, A. C. Bates, and S. B. Caldwell.

        The other officers at present are: C. J. Owen, R. S.; J. R. Bailey, P. S.; and J. A. Tully, Treasurer.


Allemania Lodge, No. 178, I. O. O. F.—

The establishment of this Lodge dates September 2, 1870, the following being the charter members : Charles E. Raabe, Theodore Gebler, C. Claassen, J. Knipper, H. Albert, F. Biebrach, Jacob Haub, and Louis Ranschenbach.

        The original officers were : C. E. Rabb, N. G.; T. Gebler, V. G.; C. Claassen, Treasurer, and J. Knipper, Secretary.


Stella Rebekah Degree Lodge, No. 22, I. O. O. F.—

        This Lodge was instituted January 12, 1875, with the under-mentioned charter members: G. H. Blakeslee, Mrs. G. H. Blakeslee, J. J. Connor, Mary J. Connor, Mrs. D. Ackerman, S. A. Barker, Mrs. S. A. Barker, Mrs. D. J. Porter, F. Buneman, Mrs. F. Buneman, D. Boernert, Mrs. D. Boernert, H. A. Crawford, Mrs. H. A. Crawford, T. J. Cook, Mrs. T. J. Cook, W. L. Coombs, Mrs. W. L. Coombs, J. W. Coombs, Mrs. J. W. Coombs, H. H. Curtis, Mrs. H. H. Curtis, Wm. J. Colahan, Mrs. C. Smith, C. Crudts, Mrs. C. Crudts, Milton Campbell, Mrs. M. Campbell, J. F. Chambers, Mrs. J. F. Chambers, G. W. Ethell, Mrs. G. W. Ethell, T. Gebler, Mrs. T. Gebler, A. Gabriel, Mrs. A. Gabriel, Sam. P. Howes, Mrs. Sam. P. Howes, C. A. Hunt, Mrs. C. A. Hunt, C. A. Hough, Mrs. C. A. Hough, S. H. Herring, Mrs. S. H. Herring, J. W. Haskell, Mrs. J. W. Haskell, Jos. Hodgetts, W. A. Jackson, Mrs. W. A. Jackson, S. B. Jacobs, G. C. Manner, Mrs. R. Kenyon, Henry Lux, R. W. Kibbey, J. Knipper, Mrs. J. Knipper, Jos. A. Lotz, Albert Lake, W. M. Lovell, W. A. Lewis, Mrs. W. A. Lewis, J. McCole, Mrs. J. McCole, Wm. McLeod, Mrs. Wm. McLeod, J. H. Miller, Ben. Miller, Mrs. Ben Miller, H. Moser, Mrs. H. Moser, J. J. Menefee, Mrs. J. J. Menefee, H. Mitchell, Mrs. H. Mitchell, G. Nelson, W. L. Northern, Mrs. W. L. Northern, S. Newson, Mrs. L. C. Newson, Jos. O'Connor, Henry Phelps, C. W. Pomeroy, Mrs. C. W. Pomeroy, A. C. Perkins, Mrs. A. C. Perkins, Jules Pelle, D. J. Porter, Charles Patocchi, W. A. Parkhurst, Mrs. W. A. Parkhurst, Mrs. A. K. Philbrook, H. Piessnecker, Mrs. H. Piessnecker, Louis Ranschenbach, Mrs. D. Ranschenbach, Charles E. Schroder, Charles S. W. Sikes, Mrs. Louisa Sikes, D. L. Shead, Mrs. D. L. Shead, Chas. Shephard, Mrs. C. Shephard, M. Schlessinger, Mrs. M. Schlessinger, J. N. Spencer, Mrs. J. N. Spencer, H. J. Stone, Mrs. H. J. Stone, T. C. Winchell, W. C. Wilson, Thomas Williams, Mrs. T. Williams, H. T. Welch, Mrs. H. T. Welch, W. M. Williamson, Leopold Weitch, Wm. L. Woodson, Hugh Young, Mrs. H. Young, G. W. Zimmer, Mrs. G. W. Zimmer, A. C. Tedford, L. J. Tedford, Mrs. S. E. Morton, Mrs. Ellen Lux, Mrs. M. L. Lovell, Mrs. Emma Manner, Mrs. Addie Wilcox, Mrs. Esther Eslich, Mrs. E. Pearce, Mrs. E. M. Rhodes, Mrs. Mary Sterens, Mrs. Fanny O'Connor, J. B. Church, Mrs. J. B. Church, D. H. Kelsey, Mrs. D. H. Kelsey, H. J. Jamian, Mrs. H. J. Jamian.

        The first officers elected were: P. G., C. W. Pomeroy, N. G.; Mrs. J. J. Crawford, V. G.; Mrs. Mary Jackson, R. S.; Mrs. Louisa Sikes, F. S.; Mrs. C. A. Hunt, Treas.; Theo. Gebler, I. G.; T. J. Cook, W.; W. L. Woodrow, C.; G. W. Ethell, O. G.; Mary A. Williams, R. S. N. G.; Mrs. D. Ranschenbach, L. S. N. G.; Theo. C. Winchell, R. S. V. G.; Gustave Nelson, L. S. V. G.


Mount Hamilton Lodge, No. 43, A. O. U. W.—

        The Ancient Order of United Workmen organized their Lodge August 1, 1878. The original officers were: J. B. Church, P. M. W.; Thomas H. Cordell, M. W.; A. B. Hamilton, G. F.; W. P. Veuve, O.; James M. Pitman, Recorder; O. A. Hale, F.


San Jose Stamm, No. 77, U. O. R. M.—

        This society, which is a branch of the Red Men's Lodge, was organized April 2, 1865, with the following charter members: R. Gerdes, L. Schoen, A. Holloway, W. Roese, T. Lenzen, I. Moser. The officers were: R. Gerdes, Chief; T. Lenzen, Second Chief; L. Schoen, Secretary, and H. Foertsch, Treasurer.


Phil. Sheridan Post, No. 7, Grand Army of the Republic.—

        This Post of the Grand Army of the Republic was organized August 10, 1878, with the following-named charter members: W. F. Ellis, A. M. Henkel, H. T. Welch, John White, Charles Smith, John S. Gessell, D. N. Haskell, J. B. Wright, L. L. Nattinger, D. M. Rodibaugh, F. H. Angell. The following is a list of the Post Commanders since the organization of the Post: W. F. Ellis, A. G. Bennett, L. L. Nattinger, Orrin Taber, Ira Moore, H. S. Foote, H. B. Worcester, J. J. Peard, H. T. Welch, and Bradley Smith.


John A. Dix Post, No. 42, G. A. R.—

        This Post was organized at Druids' Hall, March 23, 1882, at which time thirty-two members were enrolled. The officers were : Orrin Taber, Commander; C. W. Breyfogle, Senior Vice-Commander; George M. Bowman, Junior Vice-Commander; J. H. Russell, Adjutant; J. C. Stout, Quartermaster; A. P. Turner, Chaplain; Dr. Thomas Kelly, Surgeon; A. G. Bennett, Officer of Day; S. Baker, Officer of Guard. In 1884 they moved to what was known as old Masonic Hall, on First Street, where they bought the furniture and fixtures and refitted and decorated the hall throughout. It is now called Grand Army Hall.  The present officers are: J. C. Stout, Commander; W. J. Wolcott, Senior Vice-Commander; S. F. Parker, Junior Vice-Commander; S. B. Anderson, Adjutant; N. R. Carson, Quartermaster; J. G. Gale, Chaplain ; J. K. Secord, Surgeon; A. G. Bennett, Officer of Day; M. J. Fancher, Officer of Guard. The following-named have been Post Commanders: George M. Bowman, J. H. Barber, Judson Rice, C. W. Gausline, A. G. Bennett, J. C. Stout.


Ariel Lodge, No. 248, Independent Order of B'nai B'rith.—

        This Lodge was organized July 12, 1875. The present officers are: E. M. Rosenthal, President; Louis Schloss, Vice-President; Samuel N. Stern, Secretary; J. E. Harris, Financier; E. W. Kowsky, Treasurer; B. M. Bloom, Guard; M. Schlesinger, Sentry. Trustees, Jacob Rich, L. Hart, and H. Levy.


San Jose Grove, No. 23, U. A. O. D.—

        San Jose Grove, No. 23, U. A. O. D., was organized June 11, 1873, by the following Druids: George A. Gebhardt, Adams Schroeder, F. H. Schuoter, J. H. Thompson, Charles Vallant, and Philip Buchele. The present officers are: John Cavallaro, Junior Past Arch; Frank Stebbins, N. A.; A. Tullick, V. A.; J. C. McNamara, Recording Secretary; L. S. Cavallaro, Treasurer; F. Pozzo, Financial Secretary; A. Quanchi, Conductor; John Jasperizza, Inside Guard; G. A. Bonna, Outside Guard; G. A. Gebhardt, M, Lenzen, C. A. Merkle, Trustees. Past Noble Arches of the Grove are : F. D. Boernert, F. Bayersdofer, H. H. Curtiss, L. S. Cavallaro, Joseph Calice, George A. Gebhardt, S. Gaspallon, E. Juth, M. Lenzen, W. W. Markham, C. A. Merkle, G. A. Berd, F. Pozzo, A. Pillot, V. Spagnoli, George Schmidt, M. Trueman, 0. Ziglier, and A. M. Gubiotti.


Harmony Lodge, No. 4, Order of Sons of Hermann.—

        This Lodge was organized July 20, 1879. The first officers were: F. Zueschke, President; E. Boernert, Vice-President; P. Warkentin, Secretary; G. Gebhardt, Treasurer; S. Volk, Conductor; G. Meyer, Inside Guard; E. Heckman, Outside Guard.


San Jose Turn-Verein.—

        This society was organized June 17, 1868, by Henry Seebach, Chris. Yertts, Charles Doerr, E. Reinhardt, F. Hoos, Wm. Conradys, Wm. Ziegler, Wm. Althaus, Julius Kreiger.

        The first officers were: F. Hoos, President; Henry Seebach, Vice-President ; E. Reinhardt, Recording Secretary; C. Doerr, Corresponding Secretary; W. Conradys, Treasurer; W. Ziegler, First Leader; Julius Kreiger, Second Leader; W. Althaus, Curator.


San Jose Germania Verein.—

        The San Jose Verein was started in 1856, and was continued as a German club until 1865, when the Germania was organized. The two were then consolidated and the Germania was instituted. The first President of the San Jose Verein was Louis Krumb, there being associated with him as members Adolph Pfister, John Balbach, Louis Magenheimer, and others. On the formation of the Germania in 1865, Louis Krumb was elected President and Dr. Eichler, Secretary.


Granger Lodge, No. 295, I. O. G. T.—

        The charter for this Lodge was granted March 2, 1874. The original officers were S. B. Caldwell, W. C. T.; Jennie M. Young, W. V. T.; Mrs. M. Cozzens, W. Chap.; W. W. Cozzens, W. Sec.; Mrs. H. A. Malone, W. A. S.; Mrs. Maria Culp, W. F. S.; James Eddy, W. T.; W. S. Boyles, W. M.; Robert Campbell, W. I. G; R. D. Guard, W. 0. G.; Kate Cozzens, W. R. H. S.; Mrs. McMahan, W. L. H. S.; Henry Mitchell, P. W. C. T.


Phil. Sheridan Relief Corps, No. 2.—

        Organized December 8, 1883. The following have been its Presidents since organization : 1884, Olive Welch; 1885, Emma W. Angell; 1886, Serena A. Foote; 1887, Sophronia Smith; 1888, Hattie L. Holcombe.


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight