
In the annals of events in Santa Clara County the life history of Fan-me Bonney Snitjer should be recorded, as it is of great interest. A native of Missouri, she was born in Clark County, the daughter of Joel and Eveline H. (Worthington) Bonney, born in Maine and Missouri, respectively. Her grandfather, Edward Worthington, was married in Kentucky to Miss Elizabeth Wayland, a native of that state. They drove across the country to Clark County, Mo., and were the seventh white family to locate in northeast Missouri, where they did much to improve the country. Mrs. Snitjer's great-grandfather, Elijah Wayland, was a native of Germany, a son of a nobleman, and coming to Virginia in the early days, served through the Revolutionary War. The Worthington family were also of Revolutionary stock and members of the family also served in the Indian wars. Edward Worthington had a land grant in Kentucky, but moving out to Missouri, his property in Kentucky, was sold for taxes and it is now the site of Louisville. Joel Bonney came from Farmington, Maine, to Clark County, Mo., when he was a young man and there he married Miss Worthington. He was a graduate M. D. and practiced medicine in Clark County until the Civil War, when he located in Quincy, Ill., where he practiced for fifty years. He was a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason, and spent his last days with Mrs. Snitjer, where he died, being survived by his widow who, at the age of ninety-four, lives with and is tenderly cared for by Mrs. Snitjer. Mr. and Mrs. Bonney had five children: William, a prominent attorney was judge at Ellensburg, Wash., when he passed away; Oscar was an attorney and a judge of Adams County, Ill., spending his last days in Quincy; Fannie is Mrs. Snitjer; Joe Laura was the wife of John W. Lord of Chicago and died in 1921; Dr. Samuel B. Bonney resides in Los Angeles.

Fannie Bonney received her education in the public schools and Franklin high school of Quincy, Ill., then entered La Grange College, La Grange, Mo., ,here she finished her college course. She was married at her parents' home in Quincy, Ill., to Drikus Snitjer, who was born in Holland, where he obtained a good education, being welt advanced in his studies when he came with his parents to St. Louis, Mo., when fourteen years of age. He secured employment in the Singer Sewing Machine Company's plant in St. Louis, where he worked for a few years, leaving the company to engage in business for himself in Quincy; later, however, he accepted the position of manager for the same company in St. Louis. When he first started to work for this company he received fifty cents a week and when he' left the company to come to California he was general manager of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, receiving $26,000 a year. The family removed to California in 1894 on account of the poor health of Mrs. Snitjer; for a time they lived in San Jose, but later bought seventy acres on the Homestead Road set to young orchard and here Mrs. Snitjer regained her health. Mr. and Mrs. Snitjer were the parents of five children, two of whom grew to maturity, Alice and Edwin. Mr. Snitjer was a Republican in his politics. and fraternally was a Mason and Knight Templar. He passed away in 1918 at the family home in San Jose. Mrs. Snitjer has recently purchased a fifty-acre orange grove at Lindsay, Cal., well irrigated and in full bearing.

When Mr. and Mrs. Snitjer removed to San Jose they had one child, Alice, who married Albert Armstrong, a native of New York, who lost his life in the service of his country in the Spanish American War, while a member of Roosevelt's Rough Riders in Cuba. Mr. and. Mrs. Armstrong were the parents of one daughter, Bonney. Mrs. Armstrong later married Dr. Richardson Burke of San Jose, who has since passed away. Mrs. Burke is a very capable woman and is prominent as a platform lecturer, and during 1910 she covered the eastern, northern, western and southern boundaries of the United States in an automobile on a campaign for woman's suffrage.

Bonney Armstrong was born in San Jose and attended the grammar and high schools there, continuing her education at Hollins, Va., and Columbia University, New York. Her marriage united her with Elbert J. Brown, who was reared in San Jose and attended the public schools there. He was first employed by the W. R. Grace Company and then became purser on the Pacific mail steamer, Peru, from which he was later transferred to the Newport, and was then appointed agent for the Pacific Mail at San Jose de Guatemala. While living at San Jose de Guatemala, Mr. Brown and his fiancee decided not to wait for his return to the United States. He then sailed for San Francisco on the Newport and was met by his future bride, and together they went to San Jose de Guatemala, having been married on board the Newport by Captain Yardley. After living in San Jose de Guatemala for three months Mr. Brown received a promotion, being transferred to Yokohama, Japan. While residing there, a son, George Elbert, was born to them. Mr. Brown was later transferred to Kobe as agent there for the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, and is now general manager for the whole Philippine territory, with headquarters at Manila.
Edwin Snitjer married Miss Bertha Quentine of New Haven, Conn., and they have three children—Frances, Billie, and Louise. He has just perfected a compound nailing machine for use in packing houses which has a capacity of 30,000 boxes a day, and is already being installed in the packing houses at Fresno for the raisin crop.  Mr. Snitjer makes his headquarters in San Francisco.

Mrs. Snitjer superintends her ranches and sees that they are properly taken care of .  In religious faith she is a Baptist, in which church er mother has been a member for eithty-three years.

Transcribed cferoben, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 868
SNITJER - In Cupertino, Cal., November 29, 1928, Mrs. Fanny Bonney Snitjer, widow of the late D. Snitjer, loving mother of E.N. Snitjer and Mrs. A.S. Burke, a native of Illinois.

Friends are invited to attend the funeral today (Saturday), December 1, 1928, at 9 o'clock from the chapel of Hocking & Williams, East Santa Clara street at Eighth. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery.

San Jose Mercury Herald, December 1, 1928, Saturday, page 28
transcribed by jch