
Among those who have found poultry raising a profitable field for the direction of their energies is numbered Louis Smaus, who has become well known throughout the Santa Clara Valley in this connection, and his well devised plans and systematic methods have resulted in the attainment of gratifying degree of success.  An native of Czecho-Slovakia, he was born July 22, 1885, his parents being John and Marie Smaus, and in the public schools of that country he acquired his education.  After his school days were over he worked as a landscape gardener from 1900 to 1904.  Then when nineteen years of age, he sough the broader opportunities for advancement offered in the United States and after arriving in this county remained for two years in New York, where he followed landscape gardening with a large firm that laid out private and commercial grounds, after which he spent four years in New Jersey in the same line.  He then came to California in 1910 and worked as a landscape gardener at Stanford University, and subsequently had charge of the Lathrop grounds for one year.  He afterward entered the employ of A. B. Spreckles, for whom he worked in San Francisco for two years , while for five years he was in charge of Mr. Spreckles estate in Napa, Cal.  In 1919 , in association with Hermon Hohn , he purchased a farm of thirteen  and half acres on the Los Gatos and Saratoga road, in Santa Clara County, the property being at that time in a badly neglected state.  They have supplied the place with the most modern equipment and added many improvements, converting it into one of the model poultry farms of this part ot he state.  When they acquired possession of the plant it was stocked with about 700 fowls, while they now have 8,000, shipping most of their product to the San Francisco markets.  They have added three new buildings, 20x300 feet, the latest and most modern in their line.  Their business is conducted along the most modern and progressive lines and is enjoying a remarkably rapid growth, due to the enterprise and close application of the men at its head.  On account of a large pine tree in the front of the farm their place is known as the Pine Tree Poultry Farm and in its operation they employ three assistants.

Mr. Smaus married Miss Marie Muller, a native of Schleswig, Germany, and a daughter of Louis J Muller.  In his political views mr. Smaus is a Republican and he finds recreation in motoring, spending as much time as possible in the open.  He is deeply interested in all that pertains to the welfare and progress of his community, county and commonwealth and his close study and unremitting industry have brought him to the front in his chosen work.

Transcribed cby Carolyn Feroben from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1524