
Through persever-ance that knows no discouragement, Charles C. Skinner is winning his way to the front as an ex-cellent mechanic and business man, and as the senior partner in the firm of Skinner and Pearson, garage owners, has built up the business until they operate the leading automobile repair shop in Mountain View. A native of Illinois, he was born August 21, 1881, at Rockford, the son of George R. and Eva (Watson) Skinner, the former a native of Indiana, and the mother' a native of New Melford, Ill. Before removing to California the family were prominent farmers at New Melford, Ill., and they now own and operate a ranch in the Santa Clara Valley. The paternal grandfather, John Skinner, was a native of Indiana, who settled in Illinois after the Civil War. He enlisted in the Indiana Light Artillery and served throughout the war. Charles C. Skinner was educated in the district schools of New Melford, IlL and grew up on the farm. Being of a mechanical turn of mind, as he grew into young manhood, he sought employment and worked in some of the lead-ing factories and machine shops at Rockford and was later employed as chauffeur by Dr. Green, one of the leading physicians of Rockford.

The marriage of Mr. Skinner occurred at New Melford, Ill., and united him with Miss Ferena Holden, a resident of that place. They removed to Mountain View in 1912 and purchased a home on the corner of Mountain View Avenue and Mercy Street. They are the parents of two children, Florence and Harold. Mr. Skinner started in business in a small way in the Junction Garage on the State Highway, and as his business grew and prospered, he sold a half-interest to his present partner, Charles A. Pear-son. These farsighted business men soon realized the need of a bigger, better equipped and more cen-trally located garage and they soon entered into an agreement with Mr. Platt to build the present up-to-date building for them which they have occupied since 1919. They deal in the Chandler, Cleveland and Packard cars, are fully equipped for repairing all makes of automobiles, trucks and tractors, and employ from six to twelve men. Mr. Skinner is justly popular and his agreeable manner has won for him a host of patrons and friends, and the commer-ciallife of Mountain View has been greatly benefitted by his industry and uprightness.

from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922.
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