
Prominent among the young business men of San Jose is Stillman H. Benner. His untiring energy, his indomitable will to succeed, has been the means whereby he has gained the respect and confidence of the community in which he lives. He was born at Rocky Ford. Colo., February 13. 1890. His parents, Stillman M. and Flora H. (Sheldon) Benner, moved to the state of Washington when Stillman H. was but a year old, his father being an orchardist. In 1893 his parents removed to Campbell, Santa Clara County, Cal., and it was here their son attended the grammar and high schools. When but sixteen years of age, Stillman H. started out to make his own way in the world. His first experience at wage earning was with the Western Union main office at San Jose.

Having determined to make a place for himself in the music business. Mr. Benner entered the employ of the Eilers Music Company, where he remained for one and one-half years. The next year and a half he spent with the Sherman Clay Music Company. Following this, for four years, he was with the Brown Music Company. Leaving the employ of the latter firm, he accepted a position with Allen's Emporium at an advanced salary. He remained with them until February. 1920. when he definitely decided to open up a business for himself, naming his place Benner Piano Hospital, at No. 33 East San Antonio Street. He deals in new and second-hand pianos, is an experienced piano tuner, and a piano repairer. and gives it his personal supervision, and he is already taking his place among the live young business men of San Jose.

On January 1, 1910, Mr. Benner was married to Miss Mignonette F. Capien, a native of Akron, Ohio, the daughter of J. H. and Lilly M. Capien. The family came to California when their daughter was eleven years old. Two children, Lester and Fay, have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Benner. Having obtained a thorough experience in the art business at Allen's Emporium, Mrs. Benner has opened an art department in connection with her husband's music business, known as Benner's Art Shop. Mr. Benner is a member of the W. 0. W. of San Jose.

 Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1093


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight