Bio- Pen Pictures

residing on Saratoga Avenue, is the owner of a fine property of fifty acres, all in fruit. He purchased the place in 1881, it then being part of a stubble field. During the first year of his ownership twenty acres were planted with French and Silver prunes and Bartlett pears. For the next three years the work was continued, and was completed in 1885, making a total of 2,500 French prune, 400 Silver prune, 600 Bartlett pear, 650 Moorpark apricot, seventy-five Black Tartarian cherry, and 100 Newtown Pippin apple trees. The orchard also furnishes a general variety, which, with the choice grapes from a family vineyard, comprise everything that is desirable in the way of fruit for domestic use. The fruit interests receive the best of care, as is well attested by the yield of the apricot trees, which averaged100 pounds per tree, in 1887, they being at that time four years old.

        The subject of this sketch was born in Brattleboro, Vermont, in 1835, and is one of the representatives of one of the old Vermont families. His grandfather, Levi Goodenough, left the State of Connecticut before the close of the last century, and settled, as one of its pioneers, in Windham County, Vermont. His son, Winsor, was the father of the subject of this sketch. Rev. S. Goodenough was educated in the Brattleboro schools, supplemented by an academic course at South Woodstock, Vermont (Green Mountain Liberal Institute), and by attendance upon the St. Lawrence, New York, University and Divinity School. He entered the ministry of the Universalist Church in 1856. His first charge was in the towns of Royalton and Barnard, Vermont, and in that State and the States of Maine and New York were spent twenty-five years of a useful life, engaged in work for the glory of God and the good of mankind.

        In Vermont Mr. Goodenough wedded Miss Ellen M. Halladay, who was also born in Brattleboro. Her failing health was the chief cause of their removal to this State. Mr. Goodenough visited this State and county in 1881, purchasing his home in that year, as before stated, but did not become a resident of the State until November of the following year. Soon after coming he began gathering a congregation and organizing a church in Oakland, and there he has accomplished his most successful work in the ministry. The church society has erected, at a cost of $8,000, a fine chapel, neat, tasty, and attractive, which was completed the present year, 1888.

        Mr. and Mrs. Goodenough have two sons and two daughters, only one of the four children having left the home, Mrs. Minnie E. Blanding, wife of E. F. Blanding, of Boston, Massachusetts. The names of the others are: Wells P., Winsor S., and Leona E., the last-named being now in attendance upon the University of the Pacific. Mr. Goodenough is greatly interested in the orders of Masons and Odd Fellows, being a member of both. He is also Master of Ternescal Grange of Oakland, and Chaplain of the State Grange. He is known as an enterprising business man, as well as a faithful minister of the gospel, and has well earned his reputation for faithfulness in every duty, whether religious or secular. He is valued as a neighbor, and esteemed and respected by all.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 434-435


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight