

Prominent among the industrial leaders of San Jose who have contributed largely toward placing Santa Clara County upon the wide-world map is S. Clyde Kyle, the efficient and popular president and general manager of the National Axle Corporation, whose proficiency marks the natural mechanical genius of his family. He was born in Marshall, Texas, on April 20, 1884. the son of S. A. Kyle. a master-mechanic, who had married Miss Ida V. Teague; and he began his educational courses in the Fort Worth schools, continuing with instruction in mechanical engineering at the Spring Garden Institute in Philadelphia. From 1901 to 1907, he was with the Baldwin Locomotive Works, in that same city; and there he had charge of the assembling and erecting departments, which produced from ten to thirteen locomotives a day.

During the next two years, he was busy with motor car and truck sales engineering work, and from 1909 to 1910, he served the Premier Motor Company in executive capacity. For four years, dating from 1910, Mr. Kyle was general manager of the axle department of A. C. Clark & Company, which manufactured truck parts and car-axles, and from 1914 to 1918, he was president and general manager of the Engineering and Sales Corporation, Chicago, which brought out, designed, produced and marketed very successfully the Wisconsin Axle. Now the Wisconsin Parts Company, which makes this axle, is the third largest producer of worm-drive axles. The basic design of this axle has proven eminently satisfactory, and such has been its acceptance and endorsement that no changes have been made to any great extent since it was first produced and marketed.

 Through 1918 and 1919. Mr. Kyle was sales engineer for the U. S. Ball Bearing Manufacturing Company, at Chicago, and acted for them as their Pacific Coast branch manager; and in 1919 he became identified with the National Axle Corporation, assuming the position of vice-president and general manager and later was elected president and general manager. He is a member of both the Society of Automotive Engineers and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Although the National Axle Company passed through some difficulties when it first started, it is now in line for some of the big business of the world and is rapidly becoming better and more widely known. Mr. Kyle individually has his own sales and engineering business in San Francisco, with offices in the Rialto Building, representing on the Pacific Coast the following companies: U. S. Ball Bearing Company of Chicago, Ill., Kelly Reamer Company of Cleveland, Ohio, Savage Arms Corporation of Sharon, Pa.. Hartford Auto Parts Company of Hartford, Conn., The Strom Steel Ball Company of Oak Park, Ill., Chicago Railway Signal & Supply Company, Chicago, Ill., Hercules Motor Manufacturing Company of Canton, Ohio, Union Spring & Manufacturing Company of Pittsburgh, Pa., and several others.

At Chicago, Illinois, in October, 1916, Mr. Kyle was married to Miss Bessie Erickson, a native of Pennsylvania, and their union has been blessed with one daughter, Betty Virginia Kyle. Mr. Kyle is a member of the Independent Order of Foresters of America, but in national political affairs he holds himself aloof from any particular party, seeks to do his full duty as a public-spirited citizen, and lends a hand, whenever it is needed.

Transcribed by Carolyn Feroben, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1469


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight