BIO- Sawyers

Among those engaged in the marble and granite business in the city of San Jose is to be found William Schuh, one of the partners of Schuh-Vertin & Company, located at 256 West Santa Clara Street where they are taking care of a splendid business. Mr. Schuh is a native of Ohio, having been born in Hancock County, on August 29, 1866, the son of Clement and Mary Magdalene (Kober) Schuh.  They removed to Benton County, Ind., in 1875, where they were farmers, the mother passing away in 1888.  The father came to San Jose in 1904, and is a successful orchardist, residing on Stevens Creek Road.
Of their four children, who of whom are living, William is the oldest.  He did not get to attend school very regularly, as much of his time was spent working on the farm, helping his father in the many tasks found to do there. He remained on the farm until he had reached his twenty-second years and then, coming to California in 1889 for his health, he not only regained his strength, but became the owner of a good business.  For two years he was engaged in various occupations and then began to work for the Western Granite Works and here it was that he learned the trade in which he is now engaged.  In the year 1897, he started business on his own account, becoming a partner with Demicheli brothers, under the firm name of Demicheli, Schuh & Company, later Demicheli & Schuh, and continued until October 1, 1916, when Mr. Demicheli died and Mr. Vertin bought his interest and they continued as Schuh & Vertin Company.  The establishment has the most complete equipment of any firm in the city of San Jose for the manufacture of large granite and marble work.  They also make a specialty of interior finish and their workmanship and the quality of their material may be noted at Stanford University and the Santa Clara town hall, and they also built the Lester monument, one of the finest memorials in Oak Hill.  Mr. Schuh employs seven first-class workmen who are all expert in their line of work.
Mr. Schuh's marriage in San Jose, December 31, 1895, united him with Miss Annie Uherman, the daughter of Mathias and Catherine Uherman, who were early settlers of Santa Clara County and were counted among the pioneers of San Jose.  Mrs. Schuh is a native daughter of the county and was educated at Notre Dame Convent.  Mr. and Mrs. Schuh have had sic children; Clement Joseph, who died during the World War, succumbing to a severe attack of the Spanish influenza, while in a training camp at Santa Clara; George A.; William M., Catherine Marie; Clarence B.; and Edmund Nicholas.  Mr. Schuh is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and is always ready to sanction any good movement for the furtherance of the welfare of the community.

from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page  1540