
Bio- Sawyers
Prominent in fraternal circles, Adolph V. Schubert has been engaged as the secretary of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of San Jose since 1915. He is a native of Illinois, having been born in Chicago, on June 15, 1871, a son of Frank and Antonia Schubert; the family came to San Jose in 1890 and still make their home here.

Adolph Schubert received his education in the public schools of Illinois, also attending a private school, where he gained a good training and when he became a young man, he engaged in the jewelry business for some time. Having decided musical talents, he engaged as a musical director and directed theatrical orchestras, where he enjoyed a large degree of success and popularity.

In 1915 Mr. Schubert was selected as secretary of the local Elks lodge and has been in this position since that time, having complete charge of all of the business that has to be transacted and all details of the building; in fact, .he attends to all the important business affairs that come up, a position of no small responsibility, since the membership is now more than 1,000. Mr. Schubert is also a Scottish Rite Mason and a Shriner, taking active part in all the affairs of these organizations in which he is also very popular. He gave freely of his time during the various war drives, especially in the Salvation Army drive, and helped to put it "over the top." Mr. Schubert is very fond of all outdoor sports and spends his leisure moments in fishing and mountain trips. In national politics he is a Republican.

from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1218


A man who has earned an independency by hard work and honest oil is John Smith, who is now living in peace and contentment on his beautiful orchard home, "Rawdon Dell," of thiry-two acres located on the Saratoga Road, wiith his wife and his famiy of six children.  A native of England, he was born in Yorkshire, September 23, 1853, and was educated in the schools of his native country. He worked at various occupations until he came to America., locating in Santa Clara County, 1888, where some of his relatives lived.  He came into possession of land, which he immediately planted to orchard of apricots, prunes and cherries.  In 1916 he built his beautiful house of spalsh cement and it is finely located and is one of the show places of the Valley.  It is named Rawdon Dell after their old home place in England, of which Mr. and Mrs. Smith as well as the older children cherish fond memories.  He has disposed of a portion of his acreage and now has thirty-two under high cultivation.
Before leaving England Mr. Smith was married to Miss Eliza Bilton, also born and reared in Yorkshire and four of their six children were born in England.  When he first left England he brought with him his son Thomas and within a short time returned to England and brought the rest of the family.  There are three sons and three daughters; Thomas is a merchant; Fred B. is an orchardist;  Jennie B. is Mr. F. J. Currier; Harry E., a graduate of Stanford University, is an attorney practicing in San Jose; May E. is graduate of the San Jose State Normal School  and is a teacher; Grace A. a graduate of Riverside Library School, is with the Santa Clara County Library in San Jose.  There are seven grandchildren.  The family is active in the affairs of the Congregational Church, Saratoga.  Mr. Smith is Republican in politics and with his famiy he is intensely interested in eveything pertaining to the development and future of Saragoa and surrounding county.

from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 837


 public-spirited citizen of Saratoga who is succeeding in the general merchandise business is Thomas E. Smith. He was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1876, the son of John and Eliza (Bilton) Smith. When but ten years old he came to America with his family, who later returned to England for his family, and on coming back to California resumed ranching at Saratoga, in which he has since been engaged. Thomas E. Smith's early education began in the schools of Saratoga and meantime helped his father on the farm and thus became well equipped for his life work. He then began clerking in a store and in 1908 he purchased the store and built up the business, until it is a model establishment.

The marriage of Mr. Smith united him with Miss Laura Cloud, a daughter of Samuel Cloud, who came here in the '80s. They are the parents of two children, Charles Herbert and Elsie Gertrude. He is a stanch Republican and fraternally is an Odd Fellow, in which order he is a past grand; also a member of the Encampment, and with his wife is a member of the Rebekahs. He also belongs to the Foresters of America. He is serving his locality as a school trustee and is a member and trustee of the Congregational Church in Saratoga. He is active in civic affairs as a member of the Saratoga Improvement Club and the Men's Club. His best efforts are always cast on the side of progress and he is constantly seeking out new methods to develop and enlarge his business.
from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1218


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight