

Prominent among the business houses of San Jose are the establishments operated by Simone Calcagno, the owner of two meat markets, the Tripoli Market, located at 701 North Thirteenth Street, and the American Meat Market at 40 Post Street, and having learned the butcher's trade thoroughly, he is very capable and has attained splendid success.

Simone Calcagno was born in Trabia, Palermo Province, on the Island of Sicily, on August 29, 1891, and is the son of Joseph and Marina Calcagno, who came from their old home to America to spend the rest of their days in the Golden State. The father was a prosperous merchant in his native land, having owned and conducted a retail and wholesale meat shop, where he had the good fortune to become successful.

Simone was the eldest son and from a boy assisted his father in the business as well as attaining a good education in the local schools; and when he was in his seventeenth year he came to the United States. Having worked at the butcher business at home he followed it in Philadelphia for six months, attending night school in the meantime, where he learned to read, write and speak English. Going to Cleveland, Ohio, about six months later, he stopped there a short time, then came to San Jose and entered the employ of an uncle, who was engaged as a meat dealer. Being a very steady lad and willing to work. in April, 1913, he purchased the shop from his uncle and has become very successful.

Mr. Calcagno's marriage in San Jose, on September 15, 1912, united him with Miss Ida Bondi, who came to California with her parents, Thomas and Salvadora Bondi, in 1899, and settled at San Francisco. Both parents passed away in San Jose. Mr. and Mrs. Calcagno are the parents of two children, Joseph and Anthony. Mr. Calcagno has a brother who has a very brilliant war record, having served five years in the national army of Italy in the World War. Mr. Calcagno is very much interested in the welfare of San Jose and sanctions all good movements that are for the advancement of this thriving city.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1550


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight