Bio-Pen Pictures

  Stephen Baldwin Miller, deceased, was born in the Province of Ontario, in the Western part of Canada, December 26, 1839.  His father, William Baldwin Miller, was born in New York, December 4, 1798, and his mother, Abigail Robinson, was also born in New York, March 29, 1804.  William B. removed, when a young man, to Canada, and there married. He was a farmer by occupation, and bought 100 acres of rough land, cleared it up, and made it his home till his death, September 20, 1853.  His wife died June 8, 1842.  Out of a family of ten children, they reared eight, who grew to maturity, four of whom have since died with consumption.

            Stephen was the youngest son, and next to the youngest child.  He lived on the home place and was married there April 24, 1861, to Margaret Secord, a native of the county where he was born.  Her father, Solomon Secord, was born January 18, 1803, in Niagara, Canada, and her mother, Mary, at Toronto, October 10, 1807.  Mrs. Secord died October 12, 1881, and Solomon is still living in the home he made fifty-one years ago.  After his marriage, Stephen resided on the home place until 1869, when he came to California, leaving his family at home.  He first entered the mines, and then went into the lumber camps near Dutch Flat, and was there engaged for two years.  He went to San Francisco, where, in connection with his brother William, he engaged in the wood and coal business, together with grinding feed, etc., and continued in this business about fourteen years.  Being troubled with lung difficulty, and becoming at times very much emaciated, he made a few visits to the place where his widow and her children now reside, making one of these trips only two weeks before his death, March 31, 1885.  After the death of her husband, Mrs. Miller made her home in San Francisco until the next fall, when she purchased her present ranch of twenty-four acres near Los Gatos, on the Los Gatos and Saratoga road, where she has built a fine dwelling-house, and made other improvements, which give it the appearance of a beautiful and attractive home.  She has twelve acres set to various kinds of fruit-trees, some of which are now in bearing.  Mrs. Miller has four children, viz.:  Kittie G., Nettie E., William J., and Hale R.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 296-297
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight