Bio-Pen Pictures

deceased. The subject of this sketch was born in North Carolina, December 24, 1824. His father, Col. P. I. Davis, was a veteran of the Mexican War, and a prominent man in the different sections in which he lived.  Mr. Davis received his schooling and his education as a farmer at the place of his birth. In 1836 he commenced a three years' course at the Estabrook College, after the completion of which he engaged in teaming between Knoxville and Augusta, Georgia.

After spending about two years in this occupation, he took charge of a toll-road, owned by his father. In 1842 he accompanied his father's family in their emigration to Missouri, where he followed agriculture for a time. He engaged in cattle dealing, selling largely, in 1845, to Samuels and Hoynes, Liverpool packers. During the following year he continued the business with the United States Government, filling large contracts for beef cattle to be used in the Mexican campaign. He also superintended the herding and driving of these cattle to Santa Fe. Returning home from this trip, he engaged in various pursuits until 1850, when he crossed the plains to California, following his father's family, who had come to the State the preceding year. His overland trip, with emigrant train, was unaccompanied by any startling events, with the exception of some pillaging by the Indians, who levied upon them for forced contributions of clothing, provisions, cattle, etc., the smallness of the party being such as to render submission on their part necessary.

        Upon his arrival in California he proceeded directly to Santa Clara County, arriving here September 8, 1850, thus becoming one of its early settlers. In the following year Mr. Davis returned to Missouri, leaving San Francisco on the second of September, by way of the Panama route. The steamer upon which he took passage was wrecked off Cape St. Lucas, and was towed into the port Acapulco. Thence he proceeded to the city of Mexico by mule train, thence by stage to Vera Cruz, thence by water to New Orleans, going from that city directly to his home, which he reached on the sixth of November after a long and adventurous journey.

        Early in 1852, accompanied by his family, he again made the overland trip to California, arriving at Placerville July 17, whence he went directly to Santa Clara County. Settling his family in the village of Santa Clara, he purchased a farm on the Alviso road about a mile southwest of that place, which he cultivated with success until 1857, when he purchased and established his residence upon the land upon which his widow now makes her home. By intelligent and well-directed efforts, he brought the estate to its present high state of cultivation. An energetic and cultured man, he was greatly esteemed by his associates and by every member of the community in which he lived. As one of its pioneers, he was always deeply interested in the development of the interests and products of this county. In 1868 he established large grain warehouses at Lawrence Station, on the Southern Pacific Railroad, thus affording storage and ready shipment for the products of that section of the county. He successfully conducted this enterprise until his death, which occurred February 27, 1882, as the result of a fall from the roof of his warehouse, suddenly ending a useful career while he was yet in the prime 0f his life.

        In 1843 Mr. Davis married Miss Lucinda F. Beaty (a sketch of whom is given below). From this marriage were born three children: Mary E., married Edwin Baker, at this time (1888) a real estate agent in San Luis Obispo, California; Emma H. is the wife of Ora N. Kent, now a resident of Boston, Massachusetts, and one of its most prominent merchants, and a descendant of the old house of Kent, so well known throughout New England; Charles C. died in Santa Clara County, November 18, 1887.

        Lucinda F. Davis, the widow of Schuyler B. Davis, resides on the San Francisco road, about two and one-half miles west of Santa Clara, and is the owner of an extensive farm of 140 acres, upon which she has a pleasant and commodious residence, surrounded by well-ordered out-buildings. Formerly the land was principally devoted to grain and hay raising, with a small acreage in fruit trees, but of late years, since her husband's death, Mrs. Davis has rented quite a large tract to C. C. Morse, of the Pacific Seed Gardens, whose lands adjoin this farm. She is thus afforded much needed rest from the cares and labors attendant upon the successful cultivation of the ranch. Mrs. Davis was born in Tennessee, in 1825, being the daughter of John and Julia (Carter) Beaty. Her father was a native of Tennessee, while her mother was born in Virginia. When she was very young, her parents became pioneers of Chariton County, Missouri. In 1843 (as stated above) she married Schuyler B. Davis, and, through their long married life, shared with him all the trials and disappointments, as well as enjoyed the success they achieved, finally reaping the well-earned reward of their combined labors in the tranquil enjoyments of the comforts and even luxuries of her beautiful home.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 487-488


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight