Thomas D. Satterwhite
City Clerk- GIlroy, 1876

Bio- Alley Bowen
Born in South Carolina, September 19, 1849. At the age of five years he accompanied his parents to Texas. where they died some years later. Here our subject remained until he started for California, April, 1860, making the journey in company with his brother John W. Satterwhite across the plains with ox-teams, via the Southern, route, and arriving at Visalia in September of the same year. From here he proceeded to Lower California, but after a lapse of some time returned. In the Fall of 1863 he took up his residence in Gilroy and was there educated in the public schools, attending St. Stephen's school during the term 1873-4, being also engaged in learning the butcher's trade. In May, 1876, he was elected to the position of City Clerk in Gilroy, an office he now holds; in the same year he was appointed a Notary Public. Mr. Satterwhite also for three years devoted himself to the study of law but was compelled to abandon it on account of ill-health. In the year 1880 he paid a visit to Texas, and returning in December resumed his business in Gilroy where he is an insurance agent. Married, July 22, 1874, Clara Belle Reither, a native of Gilroy, and has: Raymond, born May 28, 1875; Clinton Melville, born November 24, 1878.
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George Seamen
Southern Pacific Hotel- Gilroy
Bio- Alley Bowen

Born in Nova Scotia, October 28, 1836, where he was educated. In early life he was a sailor. In 1858, he went to Australia, and the year 1861 found him in New Zealand, during the gold excitement in that colony. Here Mr. Seaman engaged in mining for seven years, at the expiration of which he removed to Queensland, being one of the first to take part in the "Gimpsey Creek rush." Up to this time, the country was entirely peopled by savages, but it was not long before the strong hand of civilization made itself felt, for, as if by magic, a large population of some fifteen thousand were engaged in ruining operations, who had brought with them all the accompanying good and evil to be found in a new placer country. Being now seized with an illness, our subject proceeded to Sydney, New South Wales, where he remained until recovered. He then moved to Melbourne, in March, 1868, but remaining there only a short time, took passage to England, and finally crossed the Atlantic to his native land. Mr. Seaman remained in the Dominion until December, 1860, when he came to San Francisco, and made it his abode until 1873. In this year he removed to Gilroy. In 1877, he purchased the Southern Pacific Hotel, which he now conducts. George Seaman is everything the traveler can desire, upright, genial, and accommodating; his hostelry is worthy of the reputation of its proprietor, and we are happy to say it deservedly receives a fair share of public patronage. Mr. Seaman married, December 4, 1877, C. J. Hilton, a native of Waterville, Maine.

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SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight