Bio- Sawyers

A public-spirited official, who, as chairman of the committee on roads and highways of the city of Mayfield, is largely responsible for the excellent new reinforced-concrete highway running through this city, is Steve Anderson, a pioneer resident of northern Santa Clara County and well known in business circles as a dealer in sand, stone and gravel and conducting a general teaming business. Mr. Anderson was born near Stockholm, Sweden, March 3, 1870, the son of Anders and Johanna Person; the mother is still living at the old home place in Sweden. The father, who was for many years a carpenter, died at the age of eighty-nine years, on March 7, 1922, at his home in Sweden.

In 1887 Mr. Anderson came to America, joining his brother Peter, who had been in California some time and who is now a successful building contractor in Oakland. Another brother, Martin, died in Oakland in 1917, while a third member of the family, Anton Anderson, is a well-known resident of Mayfield, being proprietor of the Mayfield Transfer Company. When Steve Anderson first came to California he went to work for Judge Stanley on his great ranch, vineyard and orchard in Napa County. There he remained for two years, when he came to the large stock ranch of Senator Leland Stanford at Palo Alto. He went to work as a farm hand, but it was not long until Senator Stanford learned that young Anderson was an expert horseman, and so set him to work teaming, handling the big teams in the ranch work. He was soon made stock foreman and had charge of the thousand head of work and draft horses on this immense estate. He helped raise grain where the city of Palo Alto now stands, and saw Stanford University built up nearly from the beginning. Mr. Anderson continued on the Stanford ranch for many years, and in 1911 he came to Mayfield and started his present teaming business, in which he uses four draft horses, while his son drives an auto truck.

Two children were born of Mr. Anderson's marriage to Miss Hannah Anderson, Sante Howard and Mabel. Mr. Anderson is captain of the volunteer fire company, having held that post for the past ten years. In 1920 he was elected a member of the board of trustees of Mayfield and as chairman of the committee on roads and highways, he has done excellent work, the new road through Mayfield being one of the best pieces of highway in the state and a credit to the town. Republican in politics, his influence and counsel are eagerly sought by the local party leaders and he is justly popular. He belongs to the Druids and the Ancient Order of Foresters.
From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1159


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight