Los Gatos Physician


A physician and surgeon of thirty-eight year's experience in Los Gatos and a native son of California, is Robert P. Gober, M.D., who was born in Sacramento, November 24, 1858.  His father, Rev. W. R. Gober, was born in DeKalb County, Ga., in 1824, and was a minister in the Methodist Church South; he married Nancy Porter Beasley, a native of Lynchburg, Va., of a prominent old Virginian family, and an own cousin of General Robert E. Lee.  In 1851 Rev. Gober, with his bride, came to California, coming via Panama to San Francisco.  After preaching there for some time he took up his work in Sacramento, and then from 1864 to 1868 was stationed in Santa Clara, and afterward his work was in various parts of the state.  As presiding elder of the San Francisco District he rode horse back on his journey from San Francisco to Santa Cruz.  In 1872 Rev. Gober joined the Methodist Episcopal Church North, and his first appointment was at Kingsley Chapel, Sacramento.  He was presiding elder of Sacramento District for several years, then of the  Napa District, and was a delegate of the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Omaha, Nebr.  He was chaplain at Folsom Prison for some years before he retired.  Rev. Gober was one of the founders of Pacific Methodist College, located at Vacaville, and was its president for some years. In the early days he was a member of the State Legislature, and still later he was chaplain of the State Senate.  This noble and grand old pioneer died at his home in College Park in March, 1908, being survived by his widow until December of the same year, when she too, passed away, at the age of seventy-eight.

This worthy pioneer couple had six children, three of whom are living.  Robert P. being the only son.  Reared as an itinerant Methodist minister's son, he attended the public schools in various places until  1878, when he entered the University of the Pacific, now the College of the Pacific, where he was graduated in 1882 with the  degree of A. B., and then, having chosen the profession of medicine, he entered the Medical College of the Pacific, afterward Cooper Medical College, for a year, then entered Bellevue Hospital Medical College in New York City, where he was graduated in 1884 with the degree of M. D., and immediately returned to Santa Clara County, locating at Los Gatos, where he took up the practice of his profession, in which he has been so universally successful, and he is held in the highest esteem by all who know him for his kindness of heart and philanthropy.   He has seen the country round about grow from mustard fields to a garden spot of orchards, and the city of Los Gatos from a hamlet to a city. He has built a beautiful residence on Santa Cruz Avenue and Bean Street.

Dr. Gober was married in Los Gatos June 17, 1886, to Miss Annette Bean ,who was born at Hudson, Mich, a daughter of John Bean, a native of Maine, who settled in Michigan and was an inventor.  While in Springfield, Ohio, he invented a force pump and also a turbine windmill. He came to Los Gatos in 1883, and was the inventor of the Bean spray pump, and organized the Bean Spray Pump Company[transcriber note- Bean Sray Pump Co. becomes FMC Corp], beginning their manufacture in Los Gatos.  The plant was afterwards moved to San Jose, where he built up a large business.  After years of activity, wishing to retire, he resigned and spent his last days in Los Gatos, which had always been his home in California.  Mrs. Gober was educated in Springfield, Ohio, and was a cultured woman whose esthetic influence was felt in the community, where she was much loved and appreciate.  Dr. Gober was bereaved of his faithful wife May 12, 1921, leaving two children; Helen Porter, a graduate of Stanford, class of 1914, married David Coleman, also a graduate of Stanford, and she passed away February 21, 1922, leaving a daughter, Nanette Coleman. Nancy Cornelia is a graduate of St. Luke's Hospital Training School for Nurses. She enlisted in the U. S. Navy as a nurse, was sent overseas and served at Guam for one year, when she returned and was mustered out of service.  She now presides gracefully over Dr. Gober's home.

Dr. Gober was prevailed up to serve as school trustee for four years.  His time is taken up with his profession and he will not consider political preferment of any kind, but is a believer in the principles of the Republican party. Fraternally Dr. Gober was made a Mason in Los Gatos Lodge No. 292, F. & A. M., of which he is past master.  He is a member of Howard Chapter No. 14, R. A.M., San Jose, and of San Jose Commandery No. 10, Knights Templar, of which he is past commander. He is also a member of Islam Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., in San Francisco.  Dr. Gober is influential in medical circles and has served as vice-president of the Santa Clara County Medical Society.  He is a vestryman of St. Luke's Episcopal Church.

Sawyer, Eugene T -History of Santa Clara County, California :
Los Angeles, Calif.: Historic Record Co., 1922, 1776 pgs. Page 1460-1461
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