
An able business man of Mayfield who is contributing to the growth of his town is Ray Muir, a native son of California and the grandson of a pioneer who came from the East in the days of '49. Mr. Muir was born at Willets, Mendocino County, and is the son of A. J. and Laura (Bigelow) Muir. The father, who was also born in Mendocino County, was engaged for many years in farming and stockraising, and also in the meat business, and he and Mrs. Muir still make their home at Willets.

One of a family of two sons and three daughters, Ray Muir grew up at Willets, attending the public schools there and also the Santa Rosa Business College. Before attending business college however, he worked on his father's farm and at the slaughter house in connection with his meat business, and after his graduation he helped incorporate and organize the Little Lake Meat Company at Willets, and for several years acted as its secretary and treasurer. In 1919 Mr. Muir came to Mayfield, where he leased the Mayfield Cash Market and started in business, handling a complete line of fresh and smoked meats. This is the oldest market in the northern part of Santa Clara County, in fact it was established and doing business before the town of Palo Alto was in existence, and has been operated continuously as a meat market with the exception of the two years just before Mr. Muir leased it. Under his proprietorship the market is doing a prosperous business, as he handles only first-class products and gives his personal attention to every detail of the business. Mr. Muir is at present fitting up a first-class meat market in the new Allison Peacock Block at 111 Lincoln Street in Mayfield. This market will be equipped with mechanical refrigeration and first-class fixtures; and particular regard will be paid to sanitation.

At Willets Mr. Muir was married to Miss Edith Lewis, a native of Canada. and they are the parents of one son, Ray, Jr. Mr. Muir was placed in Class 4 during the late war and was not called until just before the armistice was signed. Though a Democrat in politics, Mr. Muir is not unduly partisan but takes a live interest in all public matters, giving his aid and influence to all that will aid the community.
From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1159


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight