Bio-Pen Pictures

        Among the owners of large grain-farms we note the subject of this sketch, whose fine farm, of 290 acres, on the Alviso and Mountain View road, is about two miles southwest of Alviso, six and one-half miles northwest of Santa Clara, and five miles east of Mountain View. This extensive ranch, with the exception of a small orchard, is devoted to the growing of hay and grain, and the raising of stock, the latter including some fine horses of the Norman and Clydesdale breeds. Four artesian wells furnish all the water needed for stock and other purposes.

        Mr. McCubbin was born in Wigtonshire, Scotland, in 1832. His parents were Robert and Martha (Pettigrew) McCubbin, both natives and residents of Scotland. During his youth, which was spent upon a farm, he received such education as was afforded by the common schools. When but seventeen years of age he left his native country to seek his fortune in the United States. Upon landing at Boston, Massachusetts, he went to the country to seek work on a farm. This he obtained a short distance from the city. He afterward went to Caledonia County, Vermont, and there remained until the following year, when he went as far west as Galena, Illinois. There two or three years were spent in teaming.

        He resolved to visit California, and chose the Nicaragua route. He arrived in San Francisco in the autumn of 1853, and soon went to Santa Cruz County, where a year was spent in various pursuits. In 1854 he came to Santa Clara County, and here engaged in well-boring with John Dunbar, they being among the first to engage in that enterprise. In the year following his coming to this county he rented land near Santa Clara, and cultivated it for four years, then changing his business for that of the sheep-raiser and wool-grower. This work occupied his attention for about two years. In 1861, in partnership with John Snyder, he purchased 1,200 acres of land three miles southwest of Mountain View. This immense tract was successfully devoted to the cultivation of wheat until 1870, in which year he removed to his present location, he having purchased the land from John Anderson in 1868.

        In 1864 Mr. McCubbin was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth Bubb, the daughter of William and Mary Ann (Gibson) Bubb, of Mountain View. Seven children have blessed this union, viz.: William, who resides at Honolulu, Sandwich Islands; George, who makes his home in Tulare County; Alexander, Mattie, Robert, John, and Mary, who are members of their father's household.

        Mr. McCubbin is an intelligent, progressive, and public-spirited man, whose industry and sound business qualities have insured him success in his calling. Politically he is a Republican, but is conservative and liberal in his views. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., being associated with Santa Clara Lodge, No. 238.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 570-571


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight