

A physician who, following exceptional scientific and technical preparation for his work, and years of active practice, has come to take front rank among the best representatives of medicine and surgery in Santa Clara County, is Dr. Robert L. Hogg. A native of Kentucky, he was born April 27, 1873, at Booneville, the son of Stephen P. and Sally Anna (Combs) Hogg, both natives of Kentucky. Stephen P. Hogg, the father, was a  prominent attorney in his native state where he served as prosecuting attorney and also as a member of the constitutional convention. Both parents have now passed to their reward.

Robert L. started to learn the lessons of life in the public schools and continued his course of study at the University of Kentucky, where he took a scientific course and then entered the University of Louisville, where he was graduated with the M. D. degree in 1893. On leaving the university he began his practice at Hazard, Ky.; then in 1894 he removed to Paso Robles, Cal., where he practiced for a year and a half.

 In 1895 he located at Saratoga, Santa Clara County. since which date he has continued to practice here, a well known figure in the life of the community, prominent equally as a physician and surgeon and as a man with the best interests of his district at heart, loyal to his state and to the city where he has resided so long.

The marriage of Dr. Hogg in Saratoga united him with Miss Agnes Josephine Hourecan, a native daughter of Saratoga. Her father, John Hourecan, was a pioneer of California, coming to the state in the early '50s, and was one of the early settlers of Saratoga. Dr. and Mrs. Hogg are the parents of three daughters; Melita Mary graduated at Stanford University in 1921 with the degree of A. B.. majoring in psychology, and is now the director of the psychological clinic at Louisville, Ky.; Norma Dorothy is a graduate of the State Teacher's College and now teaching at Hanford; Agnes Gertrude is attending the Dominican College at San Rafael.

Dr. Hogg showed his patriotism regardless of his large business and property interests by volunteering his services, enlisting in the Medical Corps of the U. S. Army. He was commissioned a first lieutenant and was stationed at Fort Riley until after the armistice, receiving his discharge December, 1918, when he returned and resumed his practice. He is affiliated Politically with the Democratic party, and fraternally is an Elk and an Odd Fellow, and also belongs to the American Legion. He is an active and interested member of the American Medical Association, also of the state and county medical organizations, and is one of the examining surgeons for the U. S. Pension Department. Besides successfully taking care of a large and lucrative practice, he looks after a fine ranch property, which he owns in the vicinity of Saratoga, and has large property interests in the town of Saratoga, owning the Hogg Building, the principal business block in this thriving town. He improved his orchard place, setting out most of it to an orchard of prunes and apricots. He improved fifty-three acres and sold it and now has an orchard of thirty acres; here he has built his residence located oil the Saratoga Road above Saratoga where he resides with his family. Dr. Hogg is active in the Saratoga Improvement Association, serving two terms as president and director of the Blossom Festival. Deeply interested in the cause of education, he served acceptably as a member of the school board and is an original trustee of the Los Gatos Union high school; he is one of the organizers of the Saratoga State Bank and served as vice-president and director until it was sold to the Garden City Bank & Trust Company; he was one of the organizers and a stockholder and now a director of the Saratoga Inn. Inc„ a local company formed to promote a new hotel in Saratoga, which is a success and credit to the town, in fact there is not a movement started for the up-building of the town and county that does not have his hearty support and cooperation. Before being called into service, he was active in all war work, chairman of the local war work council until he went to Fort Riley and as such had charge of the various Red Cross and Liberty bond drives, all of which went over-the-top in their subscriptions.
From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 665


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight