A. Riehl
Mayor of Gilroy, 1878
Bio- Alley Bowen

Was born in Germany, September 8, 1831. In the year 1848 he came to the United State with an uncle and Settled at St. Louis, Missouri, where he learned the trade of blacksmith. In 185:3 he crossed the plains to California, arriving at Sacramento on the 7th of August. Here he worked at his trade for two months, then moved to El Dorado county still being employed at his proper occupation; from 1858 to 1866 lie was engaged in mercantile pursuits; in the latter year selling out he moved to San Francisco;in 1867 he became a resident of Santa Clara county; locating at Gilroy, where he carried on a mercantile business until 1875. In the year 1869 Mr. Riehl built the Gilroy Brewery and  conducted it until 1877. He was elected Mayor of Gilroy in 1878 and served two years in that office. 'He married, November 20, 1864, Josephine E. Kumpf, a native of New York, born September 25, 184:3, and has: Theresa M., born May 13,1866; Emma D., born September 18, 1867; George A., born November 15, 1869; Martin W., born April 17, 1873; Florence C., born October 9, 1876.

page 626  History of Santa Clara County, California : San Francisco: Alley, Bowen & Co., 1881



 Bio-Pen Pictures


is of German nativity, and was born September 8, 1831. He came to the United States with an uncle in 1848, locating at St. Louis, Missouri, where he learned the blacksmithing trade. In 1853 he came across the plains to California, arriving at Sacramento, August 7. He worked two months at his trade in Sacramento, and
then went to El Dorado County. He carried on the blacksmith business in connection with mining, until 1858, when he went into mercantile business, which he continued for eight years. Then selling out, he went to San Francisco and thence to Santa Clara County, locating at Gilroy in 1867. Here he carried on a mercantile business until 1875, when he retired. He was elected Mayor of Gilroy in 1878, and served the full term of two years. For twelve years he was a member of the Common Council of the city of Gilroy. In 1882 he was elected a member of the Assembly and served in the State Legislature until 1884. In 1886 he removed with his family to San Jose. Mr. Riehl was one of the organizers of the San Jose Brush Electric Light Company, and has twice been chosen its President. He is also a principal stock­holder in the Safe Deposit Bank of San Jose. He is generally identified with public improvements, and is recognized as a progressive citizen.

He was married, November 20, 1864, to Josephine E. Kumpf, a native of New York. Five children were born to this marriage, to wit: Theresa M., Emma D., George A., Martin W., and Florence C. The eldest daughter, Theresa, has developed a wonderful artistic talent and promises to take a high rank among the painters of this country. Her work has attracted the favorable criticism of leading artists, and as Miss Riehl possesses energy and industry as well as talent, she must necessarily come to the front.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 531-532


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight