Bio-Pen Pictures

a resident of the Willows, owns ten acres on Hicks Avenue, which he improved from a state of nature, removing the wild trees and brush. He bought the property in 1877, and commenced tree-planting in February of the following year, setting nearly 2,000 trees. Now his orchard is in full bearing. Six acres are planted in apricots, and the remainder in cherries. Mr. Reed has been a resident of Santa Clara County for fifteen years, and of the State since February, 1867. For the first six years of his residence in California, Mr. Reed lived in Placer County, and since coming to Santa Clara County has been directly or indirectly interested in fruit-culture, witnessing much of the growth of the county, in prosperity and population. Politically Mr. Reed is fully in accord with the principles of the Republican party.

        He was born in Oneida County, New York, but was reared in Madison County, that State. He was born on the sixth of August, 1842. His parents, Mansel and Laura Reed, are deceased, the father dying in Lewis County, and the mother in Onondaga County, of the State of New York. Mr. Reed was reared to a farm life, but has engaged in various occupations. He came directly from Madison County to this State. On the sixteenth of October, 1873, he was united in marriage with Miss Augusta Milliman, at Oakland. Mrs. Reed was born and reared in Madison County, New York, and her parents, Joseph and Louisa Milliman, now live in Onondaga County. Mr. and Mrs. Reed have two children, William and Joseph.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

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 Bio-Pen Pictures

the subject of this sketch, is an intelligent and energetic mechanic, who has established a blacksmith and carriage repairing shop near the corner of Saratoga Avenue and the Stevens Creek road, in the Doyle District, about four miles from San Jose. These works are a decided advantage to the community, and Mr. Roberts just reaps the pecuniary reward to which his enterprise and industry entitle him. He is also an inventor of no mean order. One of his most useful and beneficial inventions is the Roberts Cultivator, which is so well appreciated by orchardists and others that it is rapidly taking precedence over all its competitors. This is particularly noticeable in the community surrounding Mr. Roberts' place of business. He is also the owner of a comfortable and pleasant home adjoining his shop. By his useful, active life, and his qualities of integrity and industry, Mr. Roberts has won the deserved esteem of his neighbors and fellow-citizens. He is a member of Santa Clara Lodge, No. 52, I. O. O. F. Politically he is a strong and intelligent Republican.

        Mr. Roberts was born in 1856, in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, and is the son of William and C. E. (Riddle) Roberts. He became a resident of this State in 1873, coming directly to Los Gatos, of this county. At that place he made his home for four years, being engaged in mechanical pursuits. He then established the works above mentioned. In 1881 Mr. Roberts married Miss Laura V. Reynolds, the daughter of Frank Reynolds, of Los Gatos. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts have no children.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

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SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight