Bio- Pen Pictures

            R. C. Moodie was born in Craftsbury, Vermont, June 19, 1852.  His father, Robert Moodie, was born in Scotland, April 23, 1788; removed to Craftsbury, Vermont, in 1831, where he died at the age of ninety, in 1878.  Hi mother, Phebe Augusta (Blanchard), was born in Greensboro, Vermont, in 1810, and lived nearly all her life in Craftsbury.  She was married to Robert Moodie in 1832, as his second wife, and was the mother of eight children (Robert Moodie having one daughter by a former wife), of whom R. C. Moodie is next to the youngest, and only two others are living. She died in 1877.  Young Moodie worked on his father’s farm until he was nineteen, with an occasional term at the Craftsbury Academy and at a district school, when he taught in a district school one winter; went in the spring of the same year to an academy at Meriden, New Hampshire; then two years were spent in Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Massachusetts; then the summer vacation was spent at Amenia, New York, in studies that would have occupied the senior year at Williston Seminary; and he entered Yale College at New Haven, Connecticut, in the autumn of 1874, and graduated in 1878; then spent three years in a Presbyterian Theological Seminary at Auburn, New York, graduating in May, 1881.  He was married the eighteenth of the same month, came to California in June, and settled in Los Gatos in July.

            Carrie Augusta Root (wife of R. C. Moodie) was born in Craftsbury, Vermont.  They have two children, Walter Chafey and Willis Beecher, ages six and four respectively.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 211
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy


 Bio-Pen Pictures

was born in the city of Hamburg, Germany, May 9, 1818, and came  to the United States in 1842, landing in Baltimore, and has been all his life a seaman, making three trips around the world. He landed in San Francisco in 1849.

        He married Miss Rosanna Shea, in 1859. They have a family of two boys and three girls. The boys both work at the Mariposa Store, in San Jose. The girls were educated in the College of Notre Dame. Mr. Nolting and family are members of the Catholic Church. Mr. Nolting owns a homestead of thirty acres on the White road, north of the McKee road, which he devotes to hay and grain culture, and which he has made his residence for twelve years. He was for nine years in the mines; is a cripple, from the caving in of a shaft on him. He is a member of the Pioneer Society of San Jose.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 534



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight