Bio-Pen Pictures

 the proprietor of the Gravel Vineyards, resides on Brenham Lane, in Union District.  He purchased the residence portion of his property, consisting of seventy-nine acres, in 1860, and at once took possession of it.  He paid $8.00 per acre for the land, it being in the state of nature known as "oak openings."  Two years after his acquisition of the property, twelve acres have been prepared and planted with vines, and year by year the owner has added to the original setting, as his means would admit, without incurring indebtedness, until now (in 1888) the whole tract is comprised in a thrifty vineyard.  In addition to this, Mr. Stockton bought, in 1882, an adjoining tract of 100 acres, it then being a grain-field.  During that year and the one following, thirty-five acres were set to vines.  The leading varieties of grapes in the two tracts composting this large vineyard are the Matero, Grenache, Zinfandel. and Charbano, and the yield is the best proof of the excellent care given to the industry.  In 1887 these vines furnished 300 tons of grapes. During the present year, twenty acres of the last purchase were set with prune-trees, and the remainder of the tract has been devoted to the raising of hay and grain for the use of the ranch.

Mr. Stockton was born in Lawrence County, Alabama, July 16, 1829  His mother died when he was young, and he early left the old home. He drifted westward to Mississippi, and later made his home in Tennessee and Arkansas, living in the latter State in 1850.  IN 1852 he became a resident of this State, first locating in Santa Cruz.  Thence he went, in 1854 to Monterey, where he went to farming on his own account, pre-empting 160 acres of land.  He remained there but a short time, entering the mines in Mariposa county in the following year.  Later, Mr. Stockton, in partnership with P. O. McFadden, became engaged in stock-raising in San Luis Obispo County.  He retained his interest in this business for several years, but after 1859 left it in charge of his partner.  As before state, in 1860 he commenced builiding up his present large interest.  His success as a viticulturist is assured by an experience of twenty-eight years, as well as by the careful attention which he gives to all the details of his work.  As would naturally be expected, he is greatly interested in the Santa Clara Viticultural society.

In 1869 Mr. Stockton was united in marriage with miss Susie Welch, formerly from Missouri, but a resident of this State since 1852.  Three children have blessed this union: Paul, Frankie, and Herbert.

In his political views Mr Stockton sympathizes with the principles of the Democratic party.

Pen Pictures from the Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. Edited by H.S. Foote, Published, Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company 1888- page 538

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