Bio- Pen Pictures


            Pleasant S. Langford, son of Stephen and Lydia (Parent) Langford, was born in Floyd County, Indiana, September 4, 1818.  His father was born in Albermarle County, Virginia, and his mother in Culpeper County, same State.  They were married in Staunton, Virginia, in 1815, and moved to Floyd County, Indiana, in 1816, where they lived till 1830, when they moved to Parke County, Indiana.  In 1842 they removed to Washington County, Iowa, where they lived some time, and then returned to Indiana on a visit, where Mr. Langford was taken sick and died in 1844.  Mrs. Langford was afterward married to Judge Louis Noell, and died about 1880.  Mr. Langford was a soldier in the War of 1812, together with three brothers, one of whom was a captain.  In Stephen Langford’s family there were three children, of whom a daughter and the subject of this sketch are now living.  Pleasant made his home with his parents till twenty-one years old.

            In 1839 he went to Washington County, Iowa, and bought 160 acres of land, improved it and subsequently bought eighty acres more, when he sold a part of his first purchase.  He put up the first frame house west of the town of Washington.  He started for California April 14, 1853, overland, with ox teams; arrived here in September of that year, and located in Santa Clara County.  He at once rented a piece of land west of Santa Clara and farmed for one year, when he removed to the town of Santa Clara and engaged in teaming for three years.  He then purchased 240 acres in the foot-hills on the Los Gatos and Saratoga road, and lived there sixteen years.  The land was in a wild state and he cleared and made the improvements on it.  In 1874 he sold this farm and bought his present place on the Quito road.  It has eight acres in fruit, consisting of French prunes, apricots, peaches, etc., besides a small vineyard for family use.  He raises grain upon and pastures the rest of the place.  The farm originally contained 153 acres, but now only forty.

            Mr. Langford was married in 1843 to Sarah M. Henderson, a native of Guernsey, Ohio. They have had twelve children, of whom seven are now living, five sons and two daughters. [bio of son Robert below]

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg.  305
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy


 Bio-Pen Pictures

who carries on a meat market at No. 726 South Second Street, San Jose, is a son of Pleasant S. and Sarah (Henderson) Langford,[above] and was born in Washington County, Iowa, in 1851, and his parents with their five children crossed the plains with ox teams in 1852 and located at once in Santa Clara County. He attended the public school of Los Gatos until eighteen years of age, and later attended the University of the Pacific. When twenty-four years of age, on account of his health not being strong enough to continue his studies, he engaged in farming, and two years afterward commenced in the meat-market business, in which he has continued with fair success. In 1886 he purchased a place of ten acres on the Senter road four miles north of San Jose. This he has planted equally to cherries and apricots.

        Mr. Langford was married, in 1876, to Miss Frances Freeman, a native of Illinois, who came to California with her parents when a child. They have had three children, one of whom died in 1883. Those living are: Arthur and Leo. Mr. and Mrs. Langford are members of the Christian Church. In politics he is a Republican.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 623