Bio-Pen Pictures

            This lady, the widow of John Gribner, owns a tract of eight acres on Willow Street, near Lincoln Avenue, San Jose, which is mostly in prunes and cherries, partly bearing.  Both Mr. and Mrs. Gribner were born in Germany, the former in Saxonia, in 1825, and the latter in Bavaria in 1832.  Mr. Gribner came to the United States in 1844, settling in St. Louis.  Mrs. Gribner came to St. Louis in 1849, and they were married in 1850.  Mr. Gribner was in the blacksmithing business in St. Louis for some years, but in 1852 he and a party of friends bought an ox team and came across the plains to California, stopping at Downieville, and mined in that vicinity for about four years.  In 1856 Mr. Gribner went back to St. Louis, and in 1857 returned with his wife to California, coming by way of Panama.  In 1858 he went to the Fraser River mines, returning in 1859 to Marysville [Yuba County], where he established a hotel, which he conducted until his death, on the eighth of March, 1884.  After her husband’s death, Mrs. Gribner removed with her family to Santa Clara County, Mr. J. Gribner having purchased the place in the Willows previous to her removal here.

            Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Gribner:  John V., born in 1851, died in 1852; and George T., born in 1858, is now living in the Willows engaged in fruit-culture on his own place, which is opposite that of his mother.  Mrs. Gribner’s parents, John and Johanna (Schneider) Hein, were natives of Bavaria.  They had eight children, two of whom died in early infancy, the remaining six coming to St. Louis.  Of Mr. Gribner’s family, although there were several brothers and sisters, he and a brother and sister were the only members to come to the United States.  He was a member of Marysville Lodge of Odd Fellows, No. 45.


Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 382

Transcribed by Kathy Sedler

Proofread by Betty Vickroy




SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight