
PROSPER ESTRADE.--Amoung the settlers of the later '60's in Santa Clara County who had much to do in the development of property from grain and hay fields to vineyards and orchards was the late Prosper Estrade, an industrious and enterprising citizen. He was born at Barat Chien Dessus, Haute Garonne, France, February 12, 1851, and grew to young manhood and received his education in his native district. When he was sixteen years old he left his own country and made his way to America and California, settling in Santa Clara County in 1867. Upon his arrival here he had just forty dollars to his name, and to avoid having it stolen, gave it to one of his countrymen to keep for him, and for two years he was employed as a ranch hand; at the same time he learned the ways of the New World and saved his money, so that he was able to buy four horses and a wagon and then began to take contracts to supply the Almaden mines with timber. This he would hire cut and then would haul it during the winter months, while in the summer he worked the Almaden ranch of 700 acres, where he raised hay and grain. He added to his stock until he had fourteen head of horses for teaming and ranching.

In 1882 Mr. Estrade was able to buy seventy-six acres of land near the Masson ranch, and at once started in to improve it, setting out an orchard and a vineyard of wine grapes and in time he became a large manufacturer of wine, averaging 250,000 gallons each year, which he sold in San Francisco. He kept five or six men busy the year 'round and superintended the work in person. He also became the owner of eight acres at Robertsville, on the Almaden Road and Branham Lane, and erected the store building and carried on the business for several years, at the same time living on the property. This property was sold by Mrs. Estrade in 1919 to E. H. Muller who succeeded to the business in 1913. In 1902 Mr. Estrade was taken ill and from that date until his death, on September 11, 1916, was unable to take an active part in conducting his business, although he still directed his ranch and wine-making affairs.

On November 16, 1880, Prosper Estrade and Miss Lizzie Lanz were married. She was born at Strasburg, Stark County, Ohio, and came with her parents to California in 1876 and located in San Jose. There were four children born of this union; Mary, Mrs. F. N. Pfeiffer, of San Francisco; Frank P. Estrade has two daughters, Esther and Mildred; Lillie died at the age of three and one-half years; Edward A. Estrade lives on the home ranch and is the father of two sons, Melvin and Eugene. Mr. Estrade was a Republican and an Odd Fellow and liberally supported all projects for the good of the county. Since the passing of Mr. Estrade his wife has managed the ranch so efficiently that she is assured of a good income each season. She is a Republican in her political affiliations, and is interested in all that pertains to the general advancement of the welfare of the community.
Transcribed by Joseph Kral, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1308


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight