Among the useful citizens of the Morgan Hill community is Phillip Daly who is the owner and operator of a baling press for hay and grain and by hard work and strict attention to business has won a place for himself in that locality. He was born on Staten Island, N. Y., December 31. 1864, the eldest son of Patrick Daly, a native of Ireland, who came to America in 1850. He married Miss Kate Connely, also a native of Ireland, in 1862, and in 1868 they removed to San Jose, Cal., and in July, 1872, the Daly family came to Gilroy and settled on North Monterey Street, where the original home place still stands. His father died in 1899, aged seventy-four and the mother on October 3, 1916, at the age of seventy years. Phillip entered the public schools in 1868 and in 1873, at the age of ten years, was obliged to leave school and assist his father. When he reached the age of seventeen he hired out as a ranch hand with Horton & Daniels and worked with a threshing crew for ten years in San Benito, Monterey and Santa Clara counties.

Mr. Daly's marriage united him with Miss Josephine Atkinson, a daughter of Richard Atkinson, a pioneer of Santa Clara County, whose biographical sketch will be found in this work. Mr. and Mrs. Daly are the parents of five children: Viola is a graduate nurse of St. Joseph's Hospital and now resides in San Bernardino; Richard served in the U. S. Navy on board the cruiser Montana and did transport duty for eleven months; he is married and has one child living; Phillip A. served in Company A, First U. S. Engineers, overseas for five years and is now in active service. He has the honor of wearing the Distinguished Service Cross. awarded him after a sharp engagement at Verdun in 1918; he has also been awarded the French Croix de Guerre; Gladys is a graduate of the San Jose State Normal School with the class of 1919 and is now teaching in Mendota, Fresno County, Cal.; Bernice is the wife of Alphonse Bonetti, a rancher of Morgan Hill and they are the parents of two children. What success has come to Mr. Daly has been through his own efforts and perseverance, and the family enjoy the respect and esteem of the entire community.
From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1160


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight