Bio-Pen Pictures

residing on the Doyle road, one-fourth of a mile south of the Stevens Creek road, is quite extensively engaged in horticulture. His fine orchard, of forty acres, was entirely planted by himself, after his purchase of the property, in the autumn of 1881. Tree-planting was commenced in the first year, and each year the size of the orchard was increased, until now it is complete, the youngest trees being two years old. The leading fruit is French prunes, of which there are 1,600 trees, besides 700 peach, 375 apricot, 200 cherry. A family orchard comprises apple, pear, walnut, almond, and other trees. A vineyard contains 3,000 vines, which are very productive. To show the fertility of the soil, and the good management which Mr. Curtis exercises over his fruit interests, we mention the results of 1887. The apricot trees (then five years old) yielded 200 pounds to the tree, or a total of over thirty-six tons, which sold for about $1,100, while the fruit of the peach-trees, only 100 of which were of bearing age, realized $800.

        Mr. Curtis came to this county from Chickasaw County, Iowa, where he had lived and been engaged in operating a farm for seventeen years. This fine property, of 200 acres, entirely improved by himself, he yet owns. He was born in Grafton County, New Hampshire, July 23, 1842. He was reared to a farm life, but upon reaching the age of seventeen years he struck out for himself, by starting for Texas, with $3.00 in his pocket. During his year's residence in Texas he was engaged in herding stock. He then went to Floyd County, Indiana, and there made his home, marrying, in 1863, Miss Vina Holman, of that county. After spending some time in visiting in New England, he established his home in Chickasaw County, Iowa. As before stated, he was for many years a resident of that State, leaving it to come to this county. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis have six children: Willie, Leila, Mitchell, Mary, Albert, and Frank.

        A progressive, public-spirited citizen, and a careful, painstaking horticulturist, he is thoroughly in earnest in pushing forward to a successful issue every undertaking in which he engages. Politically a believer in the protection of American industries, he is in full accord with the distinctive principles of the Republican party.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 571-572


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight