was born in La Salle County, Illinois, August 17, 1844.  His father, Marlin Ball, is a native of Ireland, where he was born about 1807.  He married there, and emigrated to Canada, where he resided a few years, when he moved to Buffalo, New York.

He afterward moved to Illinois and settled in La Salle County. In 1850 he, with his family, left Illinois, bound for California.  they made the journey overland to Sacramento, where they located.  The next year he went in to the hotel business, and during the big fire of 1852 was burned out, which served his connection with that city.  In the spring of 1853 he settled in Santa Clara County and took up 210 acres of what he supposed was government land, but which afterward proved to be a Spanish claim.  When this fact became known, Mr. Ball bought the land from the parties, and quite a number of years afterward purchased 160 acres adjoining, which land is now in the possession of his son, Peter Ball.  Martin B all resided on the place until about 1875, when he moved to Santa Clara, where he has since resided. He is quite infirm in his old age, and , having had two strokes of paralysis, he is left in very feeble condition.  He wife died in 1878. She was the mother of five children, of whom four are living.

Peter Ball remained with his father up to the time he moved to Santa Clara, when he purchased of him the 160 acres mentioned, and 109 acres of the original purchase, which later on he sold again.  The place is under good cultivation, with about fifty acres in vineyard, all wine grapes, the most of which are coming into bearing.  Last year, from about six acres that are four years old, the yield was about thirtytwo tons. In 1882 Mr. Ball was appointed Deputy Assessor for Santa Clara County, which position he held for five years.  In October, 1887, he was appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury to the position of United States Internal Revenue Gauger of the Fifth Division of the First District of California, in which position he now serves.

Mr. Ball was married, in 1868, to Mary E. Plunkett, who was born in Australia , a daughter of Richard Plunkett, of this county.  Mr. and Mrs. ball have a family of five children, three daughters and two sons.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or
Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated.
- Edited by H. S. Foote.-
Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. Page 645-646
transcribed by CDF