

 Bio-Pen Pictures

ranks among the men who came to this State in 1849. He was born in Lower California, on the fifteenth day of September, 1835.  His father, Lucas Patrone, was a native of Spain, and his mother of Mexico. Her name previous to marriage was Giriaca Garnica. The subject was reared in Lower California to the age of fourteen years, and at that early age left the place of his birth to come to the mines of this State. He first went to Sonoma County, and about three months later to a camp on McCullom's River. There he remained from July to October. He left the diggings at that time, but in 1850 returned to the mines. He followed gold-hunting but three months more, though he has ever since resided in California. After 1861 he turned his attention to teaming, and this has been his employment most of the time since, until 1884. He became foreman of Morgan Hill's extensive ranch in 1884, and is at present conducting its business management, as well as overseeing the practical workings of it. He is also largely interested in hay-raising on his own account.

        Mr. Patrone was married, August 15, 1859, to Miss Rosadio Cesena, who was also born in Lower California. They have six children, viz.: Lucas, Benena, Perfidio, Jesus, Giriaca, and Juan. Mr. Patrone is a Republican, and the family are members of the Catholic Church.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 632-633


 Bio-Pen Pictures

    Among the productive grain ranches of the Milliken District must be mentioned the one owned by the subject of this sketch. It is situated on the Saratoga and Alviso road, about three miles west of Santa Clara, and now contains fifty-two acres, fourteen acres having been sold in 1887. Mr. Patterson never has entered into the cultivation of orchard or vineyard, but has devoted his land to the raising of hay and grain, also raising each year a few head of stock.

        He was born in the city of Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1822, and is the son of Archibald and Nancy (Baxter) Patterson, both natives of Scotland. Being orphaned in his youth, he was reared by his uncle, Richard Lisbett (who resided on a farm near Tremont, about ten miles from Edinburgh), and was educated in the excellent schools of that neighborhood. He continued his labor as a farmer on his uncle's land until he had reached the age of thirty years, when, desirous of improving his condition in life, and wishing to gain the experience that contact with the people of other lands gives, he embarked at London, in May, 1852, on the ship John Mitchell, for a voyage around Cape Horn to San Francisco. He arrived in the last-named port in the fall of the same year, after a tedious passage of seven months' duration. He made but a short stay in San Francisco, and then came to Santa Clara County, where he worked on a farm near Alviso for about eight months. He then proceeded to Sonoma and Napa Counties, and engaged in those counties for nearly two years in stock-raising. Thence returning to Santa Clara County, he purchased the land upon which he now resides, and entered heartily in the business of farmer in the country of his adoption. Ever proving a worthy citizen and a good neighbor, taking a deep interest in the welfare and building up of the community and section in which he makes his home, he has justly won the respect of those around him.

        In 1863 he married Miss Sarah Hanks, daughter of George Hanks, a native of England. No children have blessed this union. Both Mr. and Mrs. Patterson are prominent members of the Baptist Church, and for a period of more than twenty-five years have been among its strongest supporters.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 448-449


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight