

An experienced , successful and prosperous rancher who not only well knows what he is doing but is able, as he is always willing, to tell “the other fellow” how best to operate, is Steve Passelli, a native of Canton, Ticino, Switzerland, where he was born on January 24, 1886, the son of Zaverio and Irmastina Passelli.  His father was a man who labored hard, but he also worked intelligently and faithfully for whomsoever he contracted to serve; he had two sons, and the brother of Steve was named Joseph.

     Steve Passelli attended the grammar school until he was fourteen years old, and then he commenced to work in real earnest.  He helped his father until he came of age; and then, desiring to profit by the greater opportunities in the New World, he crossed the ocean, came out to California, and started to work on a dairy farm near Gonzales, in Monterey County.  He worked for six years on dairy farms, and then he leased a large dairy ranch for five years.  After a year’s experience there, however, he sold out to his partner and started a new dairy.  He built this up until he had about 100 cows, and at the end of two years, he disposed of that ranch also.

Mr. Passelli then made a trip home to Switzerland, where he stayed for ten months; and there ha married, on November 18, 1920, Miss Paulina Barea, the daughter of John and Serafina Barea.  Her father was a stone mason by trade, and he took a pride in sending his daughter to the excellent Swiss public schools.  On his return to America with his bride, Mr. Passelli settled on Capital Avenue, and on April 1, 1921, he started a model dairy on the Tuttle ranch.  Now he has fifty-two cows and sixty-four acres in alfalfa, and he is able to send about 100 gallons of milk a day to the east Bay Milk Producers’ Association.  Mr. And Mrs. Passelli, who have become favorites with all who know them and are highly esteemed in the town and vicinity of Milpitas, have one child, a daughter named Elsie; and Mr. Passelli is a member of Soledad Lodge No. 167, of the Druids.

Transcribed by Susan Schooler from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1391