Mrs. Ella S. Parkhurst

 Bio- Sawyers

Mrs. Ella S. Parkhurst—Since 1878 Mrs. Ella S. Parkhurst has made her home in San jose and as one of the honored pioneer residents of the city she enjoys the unqualified esteem and regard of a large circle of friends.  She is a native of Michigan, her birth having occurred about ten miles from Ann Arbor, and her parents were Thomas and Susan [Whitehead] Featherly.  Her family originally settled in New York State, whence her father removed to Michigan and for sixty years operated a farm in that state, passing away there when eighty-two years of age.  He was an honored veteran of the Civil War, in which he served for four years in Company G, Third Michigan Cavalry.

     The sixth in a family of eight children, consisting of four sons and four daughters.  Ella S. Featherly attended the grammar schools of Whitmore Lake, Michigan, and in 1875, when twenty-one years of age, she came to Marysville California, being accompanied by her oldest and youngest brothers and one sister.  For three years she remained at Marysville and then came to San Jose, where she was married October 10, 1878, to Lorenzo Dove Parkhurst, who was born near Montpelier, Vermont, and came to California in the ‘60’s.  He became the owner of several hundred acres of land in Sutter county, while later he conducted a large general merchandise store at Yuba City and also engaged in the grain business.  Possessing marked executive ability, his interests were most capably and successfully managed and after coming to San Jose he lived retired until his demise, which occurred September 10, 1888, when   he was forty-five years of age.  In 1881 he built a large residence at the corner of Lincoln and Willow streets,  in which Mrs. Parkhurst now resides. 

 He was of English parentage and in his passing San Jose lost one of its valued citizens, his associates a faithful friend and his family a devoted husband and father.

     Mr. And Mrs. Parkhurst became the parents of a daughter, Veda G., now wife of George Moore, who was formerly engaged in merchandising in this city, and they have a son, Kenneth Parkhurst Moore.  Mr. Parkhurst was a Mason of high standing, having membership with the order at Marysville, and Mrs. Parkhurst is a member of the Eastern Star; the woman’s auxiliary of the Maccabees; the San Jose Circle, Ladies of the G. A. R.; and the Loyal Workers of San Jose, which is a branch of the Woman’s Relief Corps; and for twenty-five years has been an active member of the local Grange, manifesting a keen interest in the development, upbuilding, and progress of Santa Clara County.

Transcribed  by Susan Schooler from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922.
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